한식 - Korean food
양식 - western food
키 - height
별 - star
태도 - attitude
월급 - pay cheque
도심 - downtown
시내 - downtown
추억 - memory
후보자 - candidate
라면 - instant noodles (ramen)
주년 - anniversary
자세 - body position/posture
평소 - usual
옛날 - old days
옛사랑 - old love
옛길 - old road/pathVERBS:
걱정하다 - to worry
씻다 - to wash
확인하다 - to confirm, to check
모으다 - to gather, to collect
이야기하다 - to talk with, to have a conversation
수집하다 - to collect
추천하다 - to recommendADJECTIVES:
좁다 - to be narrow
넓다 - to be wide
특별하다 - to be special
게으르다 - to be lazy
편하다 - to be comfortable
안락하다 - to be comfortableADVERBS AND OTHER WORDS:
더 - more
덜 - less
가장 - the most (superlative)
제일 - the most (superlative)
여러 - many/various
옛 _____ - something old
RandomThis is book #1 for the Korean Language series. Try memorise all of the vocabulary in this book first before you proceed to the next one. Good luck ! This book contains Korean vocabulary. Try to memorise each words so that you can understand the mea...