Child Motive

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It was during the killing game when you woke up. Something felt different and everything felt taller. Soon you looked into the mirror and fiscovered you were a child again! Monokuma supplied you with clothing that looked exactly like your other ones but in a child's size.

Soon, the announcement started playing from the screen.

"Say goooood morning to another beeaauutiful day! We have begun a NEW MOTIVE! 2 of you have been turned into little kids again! What will this do? Well, I honestly don't know myself, but kids bring in all the ratings nowadays!" The screen then shut off.

Soon, someone knocks on the door, amd you answer. They quickly speak.

"Oh, you got affected? Alright then. I just daw Sunako and she's a kid too. How about we spend some time together today?"


The person talking to you is either your crush or anyone of your choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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