Chapter 1

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The screams of the ones it killed, the begging of its victims is all I can hear. Red staining my hands and every surface is all I can see. The metallic tang of blood is all I can smell. Pure evil radiating through me is all I can feel. It has been this way since the nogitsune took over.

Scott was standing in front of me with Allison at his side. They hadn't realized it wasn't me yet. My lips weren't my own as he pushed them into a smirk. Alli frowned and stepped closer to Scotty while lightning flashed in the background causing the lights to flicker. "Are you going to kill me again Stiles?" she asked, reaching out to hold his arm.

The nogitsune smiled, showing my teeth. With a delighted laugh he said, "Of course sweet Allison how else would I cause pain." He kept laughing while a sword appeared in the hands that weren't mine anymore.

In one quick move the sword was through Alli's stomach. The metal glinted when the nogitsune twisted it. Lightning flashed once again causing the lights to go out completely. Allison gurgled on the blood filling her mouth and spilling down her chin.

We pulled the weapon out of her gut and she collapsed into the metal tables behind her. Scott went to catch her but before he could she disappeared. Thunder crashed and a manic sound slipped past our lips. It was just us and Scott in the veterinarians clinic now.

The sword disappeared but claws soon replaced it. We shoved our fist into Scotty's chest as soon as he stood. We could feel the warmth of his blood coating our arm, the hardness of his ribs as they cracked, and the beat of his heart as our hand wrapped around it. Slowly our fist closed tighter puncturing his heart with the claws that had grown.

We ripped his heart out with one swift yank. Scotty fell to his knees with wide eyes. His mouth was open in a silent scream. Lightning struck and thunder clapped in the background.

I woke up drenched in sweat and shaking from the nightmare. I was pleasantly surprised I hadn't ended up screaming myself awake this time. Tonight was actually one of the easiest nightmares I'd had in days.

I reached for my phone to check the time. I sat it back down when I saw that it was 3:15 in the morning and that Scott still hadn't opened any of my messages. I hadn't talked to any of my pack besides Derek and Peter since the day after we defeated the nogitsune which was all still a blur in my head.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, so I sat up in bed pulling my blanket with me to keep out the perpetual cold and grabbed a book off my nightstand after turning on my light. It was the book about pack dynamics that Peter had left for me. I frowned as I picked up reading where I had left off the night before.

Around 6:00 in the morning I decided to go take a shower since I had to leave for school soon anyways. I crawled out of my blanket to be greeted by the cold morning air that had seeped in through my open window and got trapped by my closed door. I shivered and started tapping my fingers one at a time against my thigh counting them in my head as I did so. I had left the window open like I do every night in case the pack needs me but no one other than Derek used it.

After my shower I went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Dad was already up and sitting at the table with his own cup and the newspaper when I walked in. "Morning son," he sat the newspaper down and looked at me raising an eyebrow like one of the Hales, "how did you sleep?"

I shrugged in response not wanting to worry him by telling him that I was still having nightmares frequently. He frowned at me but took a drink from his mug instead of saying anything about it.

After that I left for school. I made sure to arrive early to meet with the pack like we used to but none of the others were there. I wandered around and finally found them in the library standing between the shelves talking quietly. I put on my best fake smile and said, "Hey guys." Everyone froze and all of their expressions turned to stone.

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