Prologue: Evangeline Mech

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"I can't believe all that happened while I was out..."

"Yeah. We all had you at the back of our heads at the time. Of course, we were worried, but we wouldn't have been able to fight if we were just worried."

"That's true. That was an amazing plan you all had though, Grand Sphere and everything. Mizel predicted it all, but in the end, you still won."

"That was mostly Ban, Hiro and Ran."

"They wouldn't have been able to do it without the rest of you though."

"And they wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for you."

She felt her cheeks heat up at the sudden table turn. "It was the least I could do..."

"And we're all grateful you did it." He gave her a smile. "I know I've said this already, but welcome back, Eva."

"Thank you..." She scratched her cheek, the embarrassment still lingering. "Thanks for waiting... and for trusting me."

"Of course." He mocked a bow and gestured her to go into the hall first.

She giggled. This was a side of him she rarely sees anymore. The past two years had been so busy that there just wasn't any time for them to slow down and play like they used to. They didn't get to have that much alone time either.

She curtsied before walking on ahead. "I can't wait to see how you all manage to wreck your partners this time."

"And when we do, we always have you to fix them back..."

"You can't keep relying on me for upgrades, Jin! You know I have other work-" Her heart stopped. There was no one behind her. "Jin? Are you still there?" She walked back to his room and looked around. Empty.

"What...? Jin, you know I hate these kinds of pranks." She frowned. "Though, to begin with, you aren't even the type to play pranks. Where did you run off to?"

Suddenly, the ground begin to shake. She grabbed on to a desk and kept her feet steady. "Whoa! What's going on?!"

She ran over to the window and found a strange light coming from the sky. It got brighter and brighter to the point she had to shield her eyes. By the time she could open them again, she found herself in an unfamiliar area. "W-What..."

She was now is a small room with nothing but a single candle to light the place. The walls, ceiling, and floors were all black, and she found herself curled up in the corner. "Where is this place...? Where is everyone...?"

A hole suddenly appeared on the other side of the room. A voice screamed and a girl about her age came flying through, falling face first into the room. The hole disappeared, leaving the two alone.

Her eyes darted between the wall and the new girl. What the heck just happened? She jumped back when the other girl began to stand, growling.

"Zanark, that was so not cool!" She turned to where the hole was, but her face fell when it was gone. "What the...?" She turned to her and her expression turned to shock.

So did hers. "Why do you..."

She blinked. "... look like me...?"

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