First Team Up

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They heard a loud whirring sound from the sky. An aircraft seemed to came out of nowhere, causing more confusion.

Shinsuke was at the peak of his worry. "Oh, what is it this time?!"


Asta, leave things here to me. A boy was by the stands, holding a device that was projecting a large screen.

The blonde boy heard him and gave a nod before disappearing.


In the Duck Shuttle, all the children were seated in their control pods.

"Attention all members!" Takuya's image appeared before being replaced by the structure of the stadium below them. "Below us is the soccer stadium, where plenty of citizens are still trapped. Be careful when you're in battle."


"Launch gate, open!" Takuya ordered.

Ban followed suit. "Projection, on!"

Then Hiro. "Safety, unlock! Catapult track, ready!"

And Ran. "Ejector power, rising!"

"Ikaros Zero, Yamano Ban, launching!"

"Ikaros Force, Oozora Hiro, launching!"

"Minerva Kai, Hanasaki Ran, departing!"

"Next, Riding Saucer Team!" Jin's commanding voice rang through their communicators. "Depart!" Ami, Yuuya, Jessica, and Asuka's voices chimed in.

"Achilles Deed will go too!" Kazu added.

"All machines, descend into the stadium!" Jin ordered. He took charge almost naturally.


They soon found themselves in the middle of the swarm, looking up at the UFO they had already encountered before.

Yuuya looked around. "But, what should we do next? Their numbers leave things in their favor." Jin's eyes narrowed. He knew he was right.


"Different types are appearing!" Shinsuke pointed at the group of nine.

Yukimura couldn't help but tense. "Is this a dream?"


"The damage is worse than we expected." Ban surveyed. "Everyone, evacuation and public assistance are top priorities. After that, we can destroy the enemy LBXs. Dismissed!"

They spread out to clear paths for any remaining people. Ban almost immediately used Thunder Burst to destroy a great deal of them.


"Amazing..." Tenma muttered.

Tsurugi's eyes narrowed. "Why are the robots fighting each other?"

"It feels like the ones that came later are trying to keep the fight away from us." Shindou stated. The brunette could only nod.


Minerva Kai was by the stands, shooting endlessly at one of the reds. However, it managed to dodge every shot and was sturdy enough to go on the offensive.

Ran tensed as she flew up. "So fast!"

"Ran, be careful!" Ban warned. "They have an advantage in machine capability."

"In that case..." Minerva Kai's boosters charged up and pushed the red LBX to the wall, stunning it. "Hissatsu Function!"

"Attack Function, Raijinken."

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