Werewolf AU-Solangelo

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Nico smiled a bit as he took one last look around his small apartment, making sure he hadn't missed anything when he packed his bags last night. He didn't have much he was taking with him, but that was ok. He had clothes for the week and nonperishables like crackers, cereal, water bottles, a few cans, and shelf stable milk. He had a bit of rope and tarp and whatever else he needed for his week away from society. Grabbing his bags and his keys, Nico walked down to his car, tossing his few bags into the back seat. Right as he stuck the keys in the ignition, he remembered what it was he was forgetting. His sketchbook, which was the whole reason he had taken a week and a half off to go into the wilderness. Shaking his head at his stupidity, Nico headed back upstairs and located his sketchbook as well as his various pencils and, as a last minute decision, his oil pastels. They weren't his prefered medium to draw with, but he'd made some drawings with them that he was happy with in the past.

When he was completely sure he had everything, he went back down and started up his car, wincing as he quickly fumbled to turn down the radio. He hadn't realized he'd had it that loud last night on his way home from the store. Sighing, he headed in the direction of the highway and then the mountains. He drummed his fingers along the steering wheel absentmindedly to whatever he was listening to for the duration of the four hour car ride to where he planned to be camping. He went to a different spot every year but he always went camping once a year somewhere to get a new view on things and see new sights that might spark his creativity.

Once he found where he was going to camp, which happened to be far from other people, Nico came to a stop and started unpacking what he needed first- like his tarp and tent. He set those up before working on digging out the firepit a little more than it already was. He had half a thing of firewood in his trunk back from winter when he'd built a fire inside his apartment's fireplace. Sure, there was always tons of wood around him but there was one time he had almost been unable to find any he could use and he's small hatchet he had at the time for cutting down the small, dead trees had broken so he always made sure he had firewood on him when he went camping should another situation like that arise.

Nico smiled a bit as he grabbed his sketchbook and drawing utensils, tucking them into his hoodie as he put on his headphones and decided to go for a small hike to the waterfall he could hear in the distance. He left his phone in the car and replaced it with his old ipod, since it was the only piece of technology he allowed himself to use while he was out here. Wherever he went camping, Nico always made sure to research the wildlife beforehand to make sure there was nothing dangerous, so he wasn't really phased at first when he noticed rustling in the trees and underbrush around him. Probably just chipmunks or rabbits or whatever small rodents were around here. As he neared the waterfall, which was still a good bit away, he pulled out his headphones and listened to the wildlife and the sounds, just enjoying it all.

He paused a bit when he heard what sounded like a growl, looking around. He'd researched for the past month about this area and constantly checked up to ensure there were no wolves, bears, or anything dangerous. He ventured on, trying to play it off as if his imagination was getting the better of him in his self isolation as he pressed closer to the waterfall. He heard the growl again and this time it was closer, more near than it was before. He looked in the direction of the sound-to his right.

He saw glowing blue eyes peering out from the shadows of the trees. They were too far up from the ground to be a small animal and that snarl was too loud. He put his hands up in a surrender motion and backed away slowly, trying to make himself seem as unthreatening as possible to whatever this animal was. He didn't mean any harm and this was what you were supposed to do when you met a dangerous animal right? Seem unthreatening?

Whatever the beast was, it growled louder and snarled before jumping from its hiding spot at Nico who, letting his fight or flight kick in, turned and tried to run, despite that clearly not being a good idea. This wolf thing that had just lunged at him was as long, snout to rump, as he was tall and stood nearly to his shoulders. This creature was nearly five feet tall at the shoulders if Nico was only five foot 4.

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