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The name was getting more and more familiar to Anna. First, Sara's grandmom had called her that once and second, she could put her finger on it, but she knew he had heard that name much often than she could remember.

Taehyung still hadn't returned to school even after five days, marking a whole working week of absence. She was worried. What if he was still drinking like Jimin said?

She felt beyond guilty.

I should probably go to his place.

Anna shook her head.

That's probably a bad idea. I might only end up provoking him further.

Anna sighed in defeat. She was being indecisive yet again.

"Psst, Sara." She whispered over to get her best friend's attention during maths class, which was equivalent to throwing herself into the battlefield of WW2.

"What?" Sara mouthed.

"Do you think I should meet Taehyung?"

Her brows jumped but she started nodding her head so quickly that Anna feared she might see her friend headless in a moment.

Anna stood in front of the door, fist moving near and away from the door as she contemplated whether she she should knock it or not.

You're here already! Just knock the fucking door, Annabeth!

After letting out a deep breath, she finally knocked on the big, brown door. She heard shuffling of footsteps and a few things crashing against the floor from the inside.

Anna straightened up when she heard the lock click, the door swinging inwards, revealing a disheveled Taehyung. He reeked of alcohol and his eyes were bloodshot, hair twisted in all directions. She could see tiny stubble poking out from his jaw and upper lip.

"Ms Beckett." Anna shivered when he stated coldly, however his eyes threw fiery daggers at her, "What are you doing here?"

"I-I came to see you. May I come in-"

"No, you may not. Now go away!" He was about to close the door but Anna's quick reflexes made her push against the door.

"Please. Listen to me!" Anna struggled against his strength, but the door was opened enough to slip herself inside. The door slammed behind her and she shuddered.

"What do you want, Annabeth!"

"I want to talk!" Anna sighed, "I want to talk about what happened."

"Why?" Taehyung walked over to his bar and sat himself down on a stool, pouring another drink for himself, "So that you can rub it in my face about the grave sin you committed by kissing me?"

Anna clenched her teeth and made her way to the bar, standing beside him. While Taehyung was about to slug down another shot, Anna snatched the glass away from his fingers, "No! I'm here to let you know that whatever I did, I had no control over myself. You are my teacher and I crossed the line! And besides, I don't understand why you're drinking like this! I'm just some stupid girl who acted on impulse and kissed you! Why are you being such a difficult jerk!"

Taehyung scoffed, amusement and hurt swimming in his eyes, "Jerk, huh? So that's how you talk to the person who you claim to be your teacher?"

His eyes that usually held warm had turned into something dark, like an abyss, sending chills down Anna's spine.

I'm done for.

"Taeh-Taehyung..." Anna walked back until her back hit the bar top, "What are you..."

Taehyung leaned closer to her face, "Tell me, Annabeth." His lips brushed feverishly against the shell of Anna's ear, "Was it really a mistake?"

He pulled back to see the fear in her eyes, "What?"

"The kiss." He whispered, his hot, alcoholic breath fanning against her lips, "Was it really a mistake?"

Anna gulped, gathering every ounce of courage left in her body, "Yes. Kissing you was a mistake, because you're my teacher. It is wrong."

She saw how his jaw clenched as he moved back, hand slipping into the pocket of his robe and pulling out his phone.

"Hello, is this the Prinicipal that I'm talking to?"

Anna's brows knitted.

"I called to inform that I will no longer be working at your school. I'm resigning. You'll have the resignation letter tomorrow."

Taehyung cut the call and harshly placed the phone on the counter as Anna stared back at him with massive eyes and jaw dropped to the floor, "What the hel-"

"Now... is it still wrong?" Taehyung smirked smugly at the speechless girl trapped between his arms.

"You're reckless." She whispered.

"Not the answer I was expecting, but it will do." Taehyung cocked his head to the side, swerving his tongue over his bottom lip, only millimeters away from Anna's pink ones, "Tell me-"

"S-Stop." Anna stated, turning her face away from Taehyung, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Leave." Taehyung said coldly. Anna's eyes fluttered open to see Taehyung a feet away from her, "Don't ever come back."


"I said, LEAVE!" He clenched his jaw. Anna took in a deep breath to calm down her trembling figure. She didn't think she'd ever see Taehyung this angry, and yet, here she was, witnessing the veins in his neck pop out. She turned around and began to make her way to the door.

She let out a gasp when she felt ice-cold fingers wrap around her wrist, spinning her around to clash into Taehyung's chest, "Tae-"

Taehyung smashed his lips against her soft one, cherishing how they tasted for one last time. Anna closed her eyes shut, and just when she was about to kiss him back, Taehyung pulled away slowly, before she could get the chance to savour his lips that tasted like liquor. He rested his forehead and against her with his eyes still close, "I'm sorry, Beth. I wanted to kiss you one last time before you left. Forever."

Anna bit her inner cheek as Taehyung's palms rested on the sides of her neck, "Taehyung, I-"

"Shh..." he place his index on her lips, "I understand that you don't feel the same."

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