Hey! I'm Emily, and I am 16 years old. I have long dark brown hair, with rainbow dip dyed ends. I have bright freen eyes, and i am around 5'5. I live in England, but for some reason my mum is making me move to America. California to be exact, and I don't want to go. I want to stay home with all my friends, and family. I am only going because I can't stay with my dad. I can't stay with him because he isn't alive. He died in a car crash last year. Ever since he passed away, I have been depressed. I cut, but I am trying to stop. I miss my daddy so much. Usually girls say that there mom is there best friend, but I am the total opposite. My dad was my best friend, I miss him, no one will ever understand how I feel.
My mum says we are moving so we can "explore" the world. Maybe I will be happy there, I mean you never know what can happen. I am really
going to miss my friends and family, but maybe this is good for me. I hope this isn't as bad as I think it will be.