Chapter 8

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About twenty minutes later, Brant and Ace stood on a high point of the rooftop, Hannah and Keira in their arms respectively. Keira clutched Ace tightly and rested her face in his neck. They carried on a conversation in hushed tones, which Brant respectfully refrained from eavesdropping on. 

Baird limped around the corner and joined the group. He gave Brant and Ace a grave nod each before shifting his focus to the girls. He stepped behind Brant and cautiously greeted Hannah. Brant felt her cheek move as she grinned and exchanged a few words with Baird. After patting her head, the martial artist stepped away and moved on to Keira. 

Keira's face brightened at seeing Baird, and she slid out of Ace's arms to embrace him. Baird held her close and reassured her. 

Finally, the Stingray descended and touched down a few yards away. The door slid open, and Aaron welcomed them in with open arms. When Keira spotted her brother, she sprinted ahead and threw her body into his. He opened his mouth to speak to her, but then, hearing her whimper, he settled for silent comfort. 

Once Brant, Hannah, Ace, and Baird had all entered the ship, Aaron closed the doors. He gave them all a once-over, flinching as he observed their various states of disrepair. 

Physically, Keira's only ailment was a slight limp, though clearly her overall injuries didn't end there. Baird was bruised and beaten all over, despite his vehement assertion of wellness. Hannah's left eye was swollen, with a bruise encircling it, and her face bore little nicks and cuts, in addition to a long slash on her right arm. 

Brant met Aaron's eyes. It appeared a floodwater of words waited on the other side of his face, anticipating expression, but he held it back. Brant felt the same restrained torrent within himself. 

"Well," Aaron began, shifting his gaze back to Baird, "it's good to have you all back. Thanks for your efforts, guys." 

Brant, Ace, and Baird nodded and each mumbled their own brand of wearied affirmation. 

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Aaron said as he nudged Keira toward one of the ladders, "As soon as possible, I'll send Sila back to mend you two." His gaze darted between Baird and Hannah. 

"I already said, I don't need anything but some sleep." Baird objected. 

"I beg to differ, man." 

Brant sighed. "I'll take care of Hannah." he turned from Aaron to the girl herself, "I owe it to you." 

She swallowed and nodded. "Thanks." 

Brant stood behind Hannah with outstretched arms as she ascended the ladder. She reached the top with no mishap, so he climbed up after her and scooped her into his arms. He made his way to the back of the ship. 

"I can walk, y'know." Hannah said. 

"That doesn't mean you need to." Brant retorted, pushing a door open with his foot. 

He stepped into a small room containing nothing but a twin-sized bed and a cube-shaped cabinet serving as a nightstand. It barely came up to Hannah's knee. The only other object in the room was a black handle on the wall. Brant squinted at it and soon realized it was attached to a hinged table that could be pulled down when needed, and then pushed back into the wall when not in use. 

Brant gingerly laid Hannah down in the bed. He cupped his hand under her head and lifted it to slip a pillow underneath, and then he tucked her under the blankets. She sighed with contentment and grinned at him. 

Brant returned the smile for a second before stooping down before the cabinet and pulling its top drawer open. He groped around in the clutter until he found what he needed. Closing the drawer with a thump, he placed a bottle of ointment and a handful of various bandages atop the cabinet. 

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