Chapter 24

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The first rays of the rising sun spread over the littered battlefield the next morning. Corpses lay strewn about in the grass, Alcontean, Kemarian, and Innutukian alike. Where the mighty legions had once stood and defended the abandoned temple, only a heaping pile of shields remained. The last plumes of smoke from the ruins wafted into the air and died off before they could merge with the clouds. 

Brant stirred and dug his way out of the heap of shields. He blinked painfully and cast a glance about. The brawny warrior's features softened as a pang of sorrow hit his heart. So many had died the night prior, their lives snatched from them by ruthless enemies who numbered in the tens of thousands. 

A headache descended upon him as he relived the last hour of the battle. The Innutukian legions had performed admirably until the enemy hordes rushed them. With sheer manpower, along with battering rams aplenty, they'd toppled the formations over. But that hadn't been the end of it. 

Brant recalled fighting through Alcontean ranks with gritted teeth and a sweaty brow, slicing at his foes with no remorse. But suddenly, they'd begun retreating. He and Ace had puzzled over it, why an army would so suddenly decide to withdraw when they possessed such a clear advantage. 

Then the bombers had swooped overhead, once the Alconteans had moved out of range. Anybody caught standing above the carpet of shields had been blown to bits, and even that protection proved itself not to be foolproof. 

Now Brant became anxious. He needed to find out who had survived, and needed to find out now. Stumbling down the expansive row of fallen soldiers, he turned shields over left and right, peeking to see who lay beneath. His feet splashed often in puddles of blood. He uncovered several Innutukians and a few Kemarians, whether sleeping, comatose, or dead, but he would not be satisfied until he found out the fate of his friends. 

Hurling one plate of metal aside, he found Wendy sprawled out atop two Innutukians with her head turned sideways. The side of her helmet had been shattered, but her nostrils moved in and out with the pattern of deep breathing, giving Brant some relief. He continued on. 

He found an unconscious Ace next, unharmed except for some scratches and a black eye. Not far down the line, he discovered General Trackenkaken lying on his back. His bloody face was exposed, his bronze helmet instead protecting Keira's head. Her body lay close by his. 

The question that burned now in Brant's mind jolted his heart into action. What about Hannah? He hurried his search. Along the way, he discovered the bald-headed Kemarian man who had so strongly suggested his ascension to leadership. As he continued on, he encountered many from his squad, men and women he hadn't known in any great detail, but had nonetheless enjoyed his interactions with and valued their service. And now they were dead. Sniffling, he continued on his way. 

Finally, Brant tossed a massive shield aside and found Hannah curled up underneath. With a wrinkled forehead, he knelt down and studied her. Other than an ugly bruise spanning between her eyebrow and hairline, she appeared unharmed. He gently turned her head and brushed a clod from her cheek. 

Hannah stirred at his touch, stretching her neck and groaning upon regaining consciousness. Brant kept his arms outstretched and ready to assist however he could. 

"Hey." he said when she met his gaze. "Are you alright?" 

She blinked and sat up. "I think so. What...oh mah goodness, what happened?" 

Brant felt his eyes suddenly moisten. "We lost. They bombed us, Hannah. And then they left. They lost some men, but proportionally, much less than us." 

"And the temple's gone too...Lord, have mercy. Is everybody alright?" 

Brant slowly nodded. "Ace's fine, Keira's fine, so're Wendy and the general. I haven't seen Aaron yet." 

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