New Plan

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I race down the hallways looking in as many rooms as possible.

I have to find Hans. Now.

"Kristoff." A voice comes.

I freeze in my spot and slowly turn around.


Shoot. What was I going to say to him again? Before I can remember he speaks, and he is angry.

"I told you not to get in the way of Anna and I's marriage." He says walking up to me.

"And I haven't." I answer as calm as possible.

"You have. You've tried to make her fall in love with you." He crosses his arms and glares at me.

"What?" I'm just plain confused now.

"You are always with her. You always talk to her and help her and smile at her and make her laugh and hug her and sleep with her." His tone has hints of disgust and hatred in it.

"She's my best friend, isn't it normal for me to be there for her?"

"It's not normal to be as close as you two are! Always touching and anyone can tell that sometimes she really wants to kiss you. That is not normal for 'best friends'." He puts air quotes around the best friends and I feel anger flare throughout my body. Then what he said hits me.

Sometime she really wants to kiss you.



"When what?"

"When has she acted like she wanted to kiss me?"

Hans rolls his eyes.

"The wedding reception?" He says as if it's obvious.

I look away as I'm taking this in. I don't know what to think.

"Wow." I say with a little more happiness in my voice then I intended.

Hans punches me.

"Ow what the hell?!" I yell bringing a hand to my face were he hit me.

"New plan, if you interfere with my plan, I'll kill you instead." He whispers.

My eyes go wide just like they did last time he threatened me.

"You don't want that now do you?" He smirks evilly.

I look down at the floor, avoiding his eyes.

"Good, then you'll leave everything alone."

"Only if you promise to never hurt her." I blurt. He thinks on this for a moment before speaking.

"I won't, it wouldn't help myself much anyway." After he says this, he leaves.

I'm left standing in the middle of the hallway and my head exploding with thoughts.

I'll kill you instead.

He's not going to hurt Anna, it wouldn't work. Someone would find out because she's the princess and people love her.

No one would care as much if I was killed. No one except Anna, Sven, probably Olaf and maybe Elsa.

This is my only chance to tell Anna Hans' plan. He will kill me, I know he will. But at least Anna will know the truth, and she will live.

This is what I have to do, there is no other option, I have to tell Anna.


"Why is Kristoff aching like this?" I ask for probably the sixteenth time in the last five minutes. Elsa again stays silent beside me. I groan in frustration as I pace the room.

"I feel like every time I mention Hans he freaks out and when I ask him what's wrong he says 'he can't'. What is so terrible that he can't tell me? What happened that caused him to try and kill himself?" My voice is much louder now.

Elsa still doesn't say anything.

"He's my best friend, and he has always been there for me, why can't I be there for him too!" I might be sounding incredibly childish right now but I need to get all this off my chest.

"I just don't understand why he won't tell me, I just want to help him, I just don't want him hurting." I'm whispering now and I plop myself down on the chair Kristoff used to be sitting in and bury my head in my hands.

"I don't know what to do." I say to no answer yet again.

Then Elsa finally speaks up.

"Anna, you just being there next to him is what helps him. It's not a cure for what he is going through, but it really helps."

"How do you know?" I ask sitting up in my chair.

She takes a deep breath, looks away for a few seconds, and then looks back at me.

"The only times I've seen him really happy these past few days, are when you are with him, occasionally when I'm around as well, but mainly when it's just you. Just you and him." She giving me a look like she wants me to know more but she isn't telling me. Before I can process this, Kristoff barges through the door.

"Hans hasn't come in here yet today right?" He asks.

", why?" I answer. His face floods with relief and then goes right back to fear but he tries to hide it.

"Anna, we need to talk." He walks up to me and grabs my hand.

"That reminds me that I need to speak with you as well, when your done." Elsa states. Kristoff just stares at her for a few moments.

"Hopefully you will." He mumbles under his breath probably thinking we can't hear him. I'm pretty sure we both did.

What the heck does that mean?

We all stay quiet for a few seconds but then Kristoff remembers what he was going to do.

"Let's go," he says before turning to Elsa one last time, "Elsa, I'm...sorry I've been a chicken, but thank you for everything you've done." He smiles sadly at her.

"Kristoff are you okay?" She asks looking him up and down in concern.

"I will be." He says and then squeezes my hand and pulls me out of the room.

We walk down the hall in silence and before we turn the corner, he stops and peaks around it as if to make sure no one is there. Before he can go foreword I pull him back.

"Kristoff, what is going on?"

He stops and looks at me, really looks at me, he's looking at me like it's the last time he will ever get the chance to. Then he glances to the right and looks back at me.

"I'll tell you...just...where is Hans right now?" He asks. Before I can answer a voice comes from behind us.

"Right here." Hans speaks.

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