The Trolls

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"Cmon, help me get him up." Anna orders taking both of Kristoff's arms and pulling him forward as she stands up.

I'm still a little shocked about how quickly Anna's mood has changed. Her best friend was just murdered right in front of her eyes, shouldn't she still be...I don't know, balling her eyes out. I know I'm about to and I barely knew him.

Then I realize, this is how Anna is dealing with what's happening, she wants Kristoff back, she isn't crying because she doesn't want to admit he's gone.

I sigh as I look at her struggling to figure out a way to carry Kristoff.

Maybe I should help her, she's going to do it any way, with me or without me.

"Are you going to help me?" She looks at me helplessly, that look is all I need to make up my mind.

In less than ten seconds I make a sort of sled-ish thing for Kristoff and we get him inside....after...dropping him once or twice. Hopefully he doesn't feel that when he gets up...if he gets up.

I choke back tears at the thought, I meant what I said earlier, he was like a brother to me, even though I barely knew him.

Anna glances at Hans for a second but then starts to pull Kristoff down the hallway. I sigh and double check to make sure that the cage is sturdy and that Hans can't break out.

What am I doing? It's magic, he can't break out even if he tried for years.

Looking back at Anna I start to follow her.

I'm not so sure the trolls can do anything about this, but I have to at least have a little hope. For them, Anna and Kristoff, because I don't know what I would do without them.

I say 'them' because if Kristoff doesn't make it, Anna isn't going to either, and that scares me. This has to work, if it doesn't, soon enough I'll be alone all over again.


"Sven." Anna stops pulling Kristoff and looks back at me. "We have to find Sven." She immediately starts to look around, pulling Kristoff with her.

I would try to hide Kristoff from the towns people, but it's really no use. Anna doesn't seem to mind the people's wide eyes and gasps seeing the princess dragging a body around in an ice sled.

"Elsa! Anna!" A happy little voice says from behind me. Anna and I turn around and see Olaf prancing towards us with Sven smiling behind him.

Oh no.

Anna doesn't say anything and neither do I.

What are we supposed to say? Kristoff is dead? I guess that's exactly what we should say, but it's just going to hurt too much.

"Why are you guys so-" Olaf stops. Sven's reindeer eyes go wide and he runs up to the sled holding Kristoff's body.

"Why is he sleeping in the middle of the day?" Olaf asks going up to him as well. "And what's that red-ish stuff on his belly?" He adds.

I'm about to answer but Anna does before me.

"He'll wake up soon, he just got hurt and needs to rest." She explains kneeling down to Olaf and ruffling his 'hair', a tear in her eye. She looks back up at Sven who is frozen, staring at Kristoff.

"Hey buddy, it's going to be okay, okay?" Anna takes his head and makes him look up at her. When he does, she kisses him on the nose.

"We are taking him to the trolls." She whispers. Sven nods and then points his nose to the sled and looks back at Anna.

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