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a preface! ───
❛ no my hero academia arc


hanako yuri kamihara was a 5'6, indigo haired girl with a rather slim - no matter the amount of muscle her father attempted to pile onto her-build. she shied away from all things confrontation as speaking out was absolutely not her strong suit; hanako dreamt of nothing more than being a hero despite her father's harsh teachings from a young age attempting to mold his daughter into another successful hero, with a quirk such as hanako's becoming a hero seemed rather simple. being the daughter of the elusive black ninja meant a lot of attention her way although katashi kamihara's hero costume obscured his facial features hanako found herself often compared before the realization. 

with her will hanako found herself capable manipulating the weather currents as well as brewing storms indoors; her quirk rarely came to full potential due to her timid nature opting to only rouse wind and slight fog at most. hanako kamihara was just a girl wanting to please her family.

while the brute of a boy known as katsuki bakugou a 5'8, with a rather built figure due to his intensive training, ash blond with fierce vermillion red eyes; a boy with the sole goal of becoming the next number one hero and surpassing his favourite hero all might, heroism was something katsuki was very passionate about and the fire ignited within him cased to die out.

acquiring a powerful quirk was only one check box on his hero checklist the harbouring of a tough attitude ended up pushing most of his close friends away as he was trying harder than most in his pursuit to become a hero. katsuki bakugou was just a boy striving for accomplish his goals.

u.a. high school was the next step for the both of them; perhaps they weren't seeking out the same goals and had very contrasting personalities and despite his rude, arrogant and aggressive tendencies and coming out as more of a anti-hero with villainous intent those close to them new he would stay from his heroic ideals. hanako was striving to please her father who was close to impossible to please with her brother faced with a crippling chronic illness the kamihara family was severely lacking in an heir for the hero world, hanako finds herself competing with her cousin both vying for her father's attention and approval. 

unlikely coming together once more the pair find themselves assisting each other in areas the pair are hopelessly lacking, with villains taking action and the number one's spotlight beginning to fade the age of heroes more in need than ever. katsuki bakugou and hanako kamihara were against all odds made to be.



crappy prologue i know but just another way for you guys to know the characters, and just a small introduction the actual first chapter will come out in a few days since I'm still working on the rest of the chapters anyways to support this story please vote and comment and if your feeling generous drop a follow give some feedback and I'm waiting for some inspiration. xxx

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