Is it good decision?

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It all starts here where the action of first sezon of 101DS ends. The dalmatian family is about to go home. But then...

Dee Dee: Mom! Where is Mrs.Funny Face?

Delilah: Who?

Dizzy: This funny human! Oh, he is over there!(She said, pointing her finger at him)

Hunter was trying to catch his cat. When Delilah heard that she said: What do you want from him honey?

Dee Dee: Could we bring him with us?

Doug heard this question so he asked: Why do you want us to bring him? He is dangerous and he almost killed us.

Dizzy: But he has changed dad! He told us when he was closed with us in container.

Delilah: What did he say?

Da Vinci who was near them said: He said, that he didn't know what Cruella is going to do and he is really sorry.

Deepak was here too, so he added: And he said that Cruella was terrible for him but he didn't have anyone else as his family.

When Dylan heard that he felt afraid, he didn't want his parents to believe his siblings becouse he knew who Hunter was, and what he did. He said: He isn't a friendly guy, he wanted to do us a lot of harm. Everything he said was probably a lie!

Da Vinci: I know that Dylan, but you wasn't there, he was honest.

Deepak: Yeah, he was really sad and sorry of what he did.

Dolly: I think, that Dylan is mayby right this time.

Dawkins: I'm afraid of him too, but there is one thing that makes me fell that he was honest. He saved us on this ship and this means, he objested Cruella. So he lost his only family and now he don't have anybody and he is probably homeless now.

Doug: It's truth. Mayby we should give him a chance Delilah? He was manipulated and his life wasn't easy. Mayby he is good person.

Delilah: Yeah, he lost everything to save us, so we can help him.

Dylan: What?! It's too dangerous! Please, I will be to afraid of our family if he join us!

Dolly: Come on! How can I give him a chance after all he did?

Delilah: I'm not sure too, but we have to do this. Please, trust me.

Doug: So lets go for him.

Doug and Delilah went to Hunter. He saw them so he stopped running. Than Doug started: Hey boy, can you understand us?

Hunter: Y-yes, why?

Delilah: We want to help you, we know that you didn't want to harm us, and we know that you lost everything by saving us.

Doug: So we want to give you a home and family.

Hunter: Family? Why? After all I did to chase you?

Doug: We know that your life was hard, but now you can finally find happines.

Hunter: R-really? I don't know.

Delilah: Just come with us, please.

Hunter slowly came to Doug and Delilah. Than they got into the bus and they drove back home.
Hunter sat alone in the back of the bus. Some of the pups came to him. They started to talk to him. They were happy becouse he was there, but Dylan and Dolly was very afraid.

Dylan: Dolly, we have to keep an eye on him.

Dolly: I know, I don't trust him.

So to the next chapter guys! :)

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