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"There's too many of them, we can't hold them off!" A honey-brown tabby with a tint of green yowled.

"Tigerpaw! Run back to camp and get back-up!" A ginger tabby tom with black stripes nodded and sped back to camp.

"Mossflight, we can't keep fighting they're too strong" A blue furred tom said through gritted teeth as he landed a strike on his opponent.

After what felt like an agonising eternity the back-up patrol arrived... but it was too late. The warriors from Oceanclan had killed their target and fled.

"I'm sorry Stormclaw... you will be remembered..." The patrol gently lifted up the lifeless tom's body and brought it back to camp. The warriors filled through bramble entrance to the camp, the ones carrying Stormclaw's body last and announced his death. Slowly all the warriors in the camp crowded around them asking what happened until their leader Lilystar called to the crowd of cats

"I would like to discuss with my senior warriors to decide the next deputy"

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