Chapter 1

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Her eyes flickered open for the first time to see a blurry world. She saw a lump of brown fuzz next to her, it was her brother. She tried calling for her mother, "Momma?"

"I'm right here sweetie, come to Sorrelleaf." as her vision cleared she saw her mother, a beautiful tortoiseshell who's voice was as soft as the sun on your pelt on a warm day. She realised her brother had just opened his eyes too and was finding his way to his mother through a blurry world. "Momma," she began,

"Yes sweetie?" her mother questioned

"What are our names?" she realised she had never heard anyone say her or her brother's names.

"Well you see, your name is Redkit and your brother is Forestkit but that's only until you become an apprentice then you'll be Redpaw and Forestpaw but then that's just until you finish your training, then our leader will decide the end of your name," Sorrelleaf mewed calmly,

"How long will that take?" Redkit mewled sadly,

"I don't know Redkit, but you have to be at least six moons old to begin training"

"But that will take aaaaaages!" the kit exaggerated as she rolled back and fell with a grunt,

"Careful now," the queen sighed "at some point you'll wish you were still a kit..." she trailed off. Redkit was confused but didn't question it, instead she began stumbling through the nursery on a quest to make friends.

Four moons had passed and Redkit and her brother were getting restless and playing in the nursery when they heard concerned yowls and painful wails. The litter-mates exchanged glances and headed to the nursery exit when two queens snatched them off the ground and put them in their nest.

"Oh no you don't you two, you're not going out right now." It was Silkfeather, the mother of their friends Silverkit and Streamkit, their mother was also with her and nodded.

"This is no sight to see for kits so be good and stay here while we find out what happened." Reluctantly the two agreed. The queens were barely out the nursery when there was an ear-piercing shriek. Mother. The kits ran out the nursery almost floating on the dirt beneath them, their mother was hiding her face under her paws wailing next to a seemingly lifeless body. It was their father, Stormclaw. The brown tabby tom's once ash grey paws were stained with blood. Instead of getting moaned at by Silkfeather, she simply put her tail over the two in silence then lead them back to the nursery. But instead of putting them in their nest she simply just left them outside and went to comfort her mother and bring her to the medicine den to calm down. She didn't really know how to handle this so she looked at her brother who was staring into space, tears welling in his eyes, trying not to cry in front of his sister. She thought about all the memories she had with her dad and that she would never see him again, then it started to hit. She sniffed and looked down. Silkfeather walked over at a rather brisk pace carrying what smelled like thyme and honey.

"Here eat some of this, the thyme may taste a little strange but is nowhere near as bad as travelling herbs, the honey is for a treat and added sweetness. Go ask Cloverwind if you can lay in her nest for a while, I'll be back soon"

Some time passed and Silkfeather came back, they had been crying but thankfully not hyperventilating, they were still sad but calm now. Their friends' mother took them into her nest, her and their friends grooming them to comfort them.

That evening a new deputy had to be selected, "It is with great pain that I must now select a new deputy. The time has come to appoint a new deputy, I say this before the body of Stormclaw so that his spirit may hear and approve my choice. Mossflight, will be the new deputy. Make me proud daughter."

Sorrelleaf returned to the nursery the next day but wasn't going to be ok for a while. Although she tried to keep it together in front of her kits it was clear she was still mourning. After a few days, her mother came to them bearing gifts.

"Kits... I've been meaning to tell you something... your father had a special connection with Starclan, he was told to give these to his first born kits," She pointed to a red-ish brown feather and maple leaf on the floor, "he also said that told him a prophecy. The feather as red as blood on the many coloured pelt will defend against cedar. I'm not sure what it means..." the queen stopped, attempting to complete the puzzle. She changed the subject, "We've had these for moons now and they stay pristine somehow. Redkit, I think this feather is for you, let it grow with your fur and tangle in it, never loose it." Sorrelleaf placed the red feather just behind her ear then turned to her brother, "Same for you Forestkit, let it grow with you and never let it out of your fur." she put the maple leaf in the fur by his shoulder. "Remember, only one moon now until you two become apprentices" The she-cat managed to crack a smile even through her grief, she truly loved her kits and would do anything to make them happy.


"Mooooom, stop I'm clean already!" Redkit complained, it was finally the day, she was six moons. Her brother, Silverkit and Streamkit had already been groomed and were ready for the ceremony.

"I'm not letting one of my kits going out there looking like they've been rolling in fox dung!" Sorrelleaf laughed, she had finally gotten over her mate's death being reassured that she would see him again in Starclan and that they would be together once again. Redkit managed to squirm out of her mother's grip when a loud voice sounded throughout the camp.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath highrock for a Clan meeting" At that call, the camp padded out into the clearing to see what the meeting was about. "It is once again time to welcome new apprentices to the clan. Redkit, please step forward," Redkit was so excited that when she stepped forward she almost tripped, "From this day forward, until she has earned her warrior name, this apprentice will be called, Redpaw. Your mentor will be, Leopardthorn. I have chosen you for your strength and determination. May you pass down all you know to this young apprentice" She was overjoyed to have such a brave warrior as her mentor, they touched noses and she went back into the crowd while her friends began to chant "Redpaw! Redpaw! Redpaw!" Forestpaw's mentor is Bluestorm, Silverpaw's is Rainshine and Streampaw's is Whitestorm. It was time to select their nests in the apprentice den, they ended up all next to each other near the back of the den, it was about time to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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