nagito komaeda

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broken!nagito x hopeless!reader - inspired by @shsl_illustrator


(y/n) pov

The world used to be so bright.

I was happy- we were happy.

Before the whole... event, I was told my personality was, sunny.

Hell, I was even the SHSL Day Brightener back in the days of-

-I don't even want to say the name-

-Hopes Peak Academy.

Then, well, you know the story. World in despair, Junko Enoshima, blah blah.

But... now what?

All I was left with is trauma and a handful of people who know what it feels like.

We cling onto each other for some sense of comfort but... is it even there? Can I keep going on like this?

Nagito is the only thing thats really keeping me going most of the time.

He says I'm his rock. His glue. His tape. I keep him weighted and sane.

The thing is though, he and I are utterly directionless. With the world in shambles, what are we meant to do? Get a fast food job and act like its nothing? Associate with the Future Foundation? I don't want any of that!

...I just want to be normal.

Ok- ok. Enough! Enough of that silly me. Nagito wanted to see me today, may as well get out of the house. I don't remember the last time I left.

I put on some shorts, and that (color) t-shirt I love. I feel like I look so plain, but hey, keeps me undetected. This world is so big and ugly, and quite honestly I don't like being seen by it.

After grabbing my phone, I head out of my apartment, triple checking to make sure it's locked.

I stand by my door for a moment, and text Nagito.

Me: Where we meeting? Usual cafe?
Nagito <3: Of course, (Y/N). Where else would we?

You chuckle. He has a point, where else would you meet? No reason to stray away from something perfectly fine and safe right?

The cafe was almost a safe haven for the both of you. No one bad was there. If anything it's all friends, Kazuichi worked there along side his "Miss Sonia".

After your very brief messages with Nagito, you head down to the cafe, head ducked down, never looking around. You've practically memorized how to get to the usual spot without even looking up. The only times you would look is to make sure that the cross walk was safe- even though if death came to you, it would be gladly accepted.

As you arrive at the cafe, Nagito is arriving too. You look up at him and give a little wave, and he gives one too. He holds the door as you walk in. You two walk to your favorite corner, and sit in the usual seats.

"So, is there a reason you wanted to see me?" You ask, looking at Nagito.

He shrugs. "No."

You look at him. Nagito looks the same as ever, his pale skin that looks as if the color was drained. The color under his eyes is so dark, you wonder if he ever sleeps these days. Hair is white and bright as ever, but it covers the head that is so filled with dark thoughts and a broken, hopeless mind.

"I don't mind hanging out I guess." You say, still suspicious. Nagito tends to only ask you out if he needs something. Sure you're close, and you're friends. But normally cafe meetings are for "serious business".

Your suspisions are interupted by the famililar voice of your friend, Kazuichi.

"Hey guys!" He chirps. "Need anything?" He asks, raising his eye and notepad.

"No thanks" You say, nelgecting to match his chipper tone. The look on Kazuichis face tells you that, he needs to go.

"W-well if thats the case... See ya!" He says, and is gone in a pink blur.

You focus back on Nagito. You know he brought you here for a reason. Theres something...

"(Y/N)~" You snap out of your thoughts, and notice a pale hand waving in your face. "Earth to (Y/N)~?"

"Lost in thought." You say vaugely to Nagito.

"Oh? What were you thinking about?" He asks, raising a white brow.

"Why we're here." You blurt out "Why? Why?! Whats going on."

Nagito chuckles at your outburst. Admittedly, it was a bit over the top. It was going to be said... maybe.

"I had a favor to ask of you." He says quietly.

A favor? What could he possibly want me of all people to do? You begin wondering what he could possibly want... A new roommate? Hes been thinking about moving out. Maybe he got another offer from the Future Foundation to join them... Yea. Maybe...

(Another TW!! Sxicide mention)

"What is it you ask?" Nagito takes a deep breath, and chuckles. "Well... I want you to help me commit suicide."

He said it like he was asking you to help him with a project.

Like he wanted your help picking a movie to watch.

You felt breathless. You can'

"I know it's a big thing to ask-"

"I won't do it." You say.

You barely knew you were saying it. You didn't even process his request.

"(Y/N) You didn't even have time to thi-"

"Nagito you can't leave me!" You cry out. "I'm not- I'm not-  gonna help you- you LEAVE me!" You shout, sputtering over your words.

Nagito looks confused. "Why not? There's nothing for me here. There's nothing for us here."


Deafening silence.

"There's no need cry." He says.

You wipe your tears. Nagito is your best friend. The one for you. Hell, maybe the love of your life but...

"Please don't go." You whisper.

Nagito has the same dead look on his face. It somehow looked more...solemn.

"I won't. I'm sorry for asking." Nagito says, getting up to leave.

As he's about to go, you grab his hand.

"Nagito?" You whisper, looking at the boy.

He turns to look down at you, humming in response.

"I love you."

Everything felt like it was spilling out. The thought of you being alone without him... As hopeless as you were, it was devastating to think of a world without the only one who has been by your side this whole time.

"You too."

Nagito says.

Maybe...there is hope.

Maybe our lives can be worth living, if we have each other...


haiiii reporting live its mary! haiii. lol. what's up. sorry i don't post. lol. soz. requests r always open ❤️

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