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Mom , I'm reading this and i know you 

can hear me i want you to listen clearly 

This wont take long.. 

Because this is No Goodbye this is , A Rejoice

You Are Now Free From your Pain

Now you can lay and rest , Just dream

Till We Meet Again... I will just say this

 you Are Loved By many and You will always hold that

Special Place i will see you at my wedding, Just like

 i saw you At My child's birth.. 


You Are My First Love, My Mother

My Reminder of what and who you truly Are 

 You're The reason i have this inspiration.

The Reason My voice can be heard thru this mic 

You Gave me This strength to be this strong.

I will say this Mom Your wings are beautiful On You

Keep Looking Over Us Now you can Truly See..

Till we meet again.

Mommy Rest in Paradise

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