Day one:
I couldn't help myself, I didn't know what I was doing. If only I knew what was coming. I fed them what they wanted, brownies, cake and even coffee. Black coffee. I even had all the tables they wanted. But no matter how hard those sick human beings made me try I still got broken hearts.Day two:
I tried to delete it last night. I really did but I couldn't stop playing. I think this game is from satan himself. I made more and more brownies and even purchased a pack of gems.Day three:
I think I'm going mad. Throughout the day the sick music kept playing through my head. And I'm slowly starting to look like my avatar. I haven't eaten anything but desserts for the past 3 days and am wearing an apron. Today, I accidentally said 'brownies' instead of my own name. This is a game from satan. I've befriended random people on the internet so they would send me tips and give me pastries. I've had enough. I want to be like my normal self again. If only I hadn't pressed download. If only, if only.