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I cannot be bothered to write the Tourney games so I'll just pretend they were all watching intently.

"See, Jay and Carlos won the game for us," Ben tells Chad who just grumbles quietly

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say." Ben takes the microphone, his eyes searching the crowd until he finds Rain sandwiched between Mal and Evie.

"This is going well," Doug says quietly

"Give me an 'R'!"

"'R'!" everyone cheers

"Give me an "A"!"


"Give me an "I"!"


"Give me an "N"!"


"Oh lord," Belle murmurs as Rain hides behind a cushion, her eyes widening in shock and Evie looks at her, excitement glimmering in her eyes.

"What does that spell?"

"Rain!" Evie shouts in Rain's ear along with the crowd.

All the Heros (well save for Adam) were smiling at Rain on screen and off-screen. She was nearly bright red in both.

"Come on, I can't hear you!"

"Rain!" This time both Evie and Mal shout.

"I love you, Rain! Did I mention that?"

"Love spell definitely worked," Rapunzel mutters

Audrey runs across the pitch

"Oh..." Lonnie looks at the Audery with them and she was seething.

"Not the best way to end a relationship," Mal jokes

"Give me a beat! Whoo!"

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro!" Doug shouts and a rhythm starts to play.

"Oh my God!" Mal says looking at Rain

"What was in the cookie?"Rain exclaims - Evie joining her on the last word.

"What did you expect would happen?" Jasmine asks genuinely curious

"Not that,"

*Did i mention starts playing*

The whole time everyone is laughing as Ben's dance moves and Rain's embarrassment on and off screen as Ben tries to become the sofa he's sat on.

Ben is being carried up to Rain she tries to leave but Evie pushes her back. Ben goes in for a kiss but Rain blocks it with his shirt but lest him wrap his arm around her.

"Oh, this is bad," Doug cringes

"Thanks man," Ben says sarcastically

"Chad's my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So, I don't need your pity date." Audrey finally returns with Chad and she kisses him.

"Not a good look," Rain sings accidentally not thinking "Sorry! It just slipped out!" she defends when some of the adults look at her and 'Grace' laughs. Chad looks insanely happy but tries to hide it as Audrey sits annoyed next to him.

"It does kind of say something about Ben and Audrey's relationship," Aladdin mutters and Audrey goes to say something then remembers who said it.

"Rain! Will you go to the coronation with me?"

"Sure!" She speaks into the microphone.

"She said 'sure"!" He looks ecstatic at her words.

"It's not like she accepted a marriage proposal," Eugene jokes at Ben's on screen happiness

"Let's go, Ben. The whole team's waiting for you." Jay comes and drags Ben away from Rain, he holds onto her hand as long as he can

"Bye!" Rain keeps smiling, clearly amused, until she sees Evie to the left of her "I feel really sorry for Audrey."

"Really?" the entire row of VK's, a few adults and Lonnie chorus.

"You do?" Evie and Mal ask.

"Yeah" Rain smiles softly at Evie "I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself."

"Aw," Belle mutters and everyone sees how much the VK's care for eachother. But it was also clear Rain was correct about Audery needing a prince to be happy.

She smiles down at Rain "I guess I am kind of talented"

"You are definitely gifted" Mal says a smile gracing her lips as well

"Thanks guys,"



Evie is in chemistry during a test, She's searching rapidly through her purse

"Looking for something?" The teacher asks, flashing her mirror " Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled"

"Damn dude, just rat her out like that," Aladdin mutters

"That's just mean," Lonnie adds

"Mr. Deley, I..."

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is," Doug stands up for her

"Yes Doug!" Rain shouts "Sorry,"

"It's called a magic mir..."

"You're not helping. Stop," Doug tells her " Maybe she needed another pencil,"

"Actually, I was..."

"Evie," Mal and Rain groan

"Really, don't help," Doug turns back to the teacher " Please?"


"Well, If you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop,"

"Thanks," Evie mutters over in the direction of Doug and Rain holds back a smirk.


Evie stands behind Doug and she puts her test over his eyes, showing a B+

"For the first time, It's like I'm more than just a pretty face,"

"Evie," Rain mutters, side hugging her "You've always been that,"

"Thanks R," Everyone watches the exchange happily

"A shocker, huh?"

Evie sits down next to him "You were pretty great in there,"

"So were you,"

"I bet, I can get an A on the next test without the mirror,"

"Well, maybe we can get together an we'll hang out. And we'll -"

"Yeah! Lets get together,"

"Flirting," Rain sings as Ben nudges Doug gently

"Evie!" Rain shouts as she walks over to them "Sorry to interrupt but I have an urgent matter,"

"What's wrong?"

"Ben just...he just ugh," she blows a hair out of her face, "he asked me on a date,"

"Yes!" Lonnie shouts "It's happening! Through a love spell, but still!"

"We can handle this," and with that she pulls Rain away as they bicker about makeup products to use.

A/N: So, I'm not dead. Hi! I updated finnally. Um...that's it.

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