Chapter 2 - Like Me

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Syd paused, alright, bad men, that could mean a lot of things, many bad things. "What did they do to you?" Syd asked, kind of regretting it after "hurt me." Eleven spoke quietly, Syd again, Narrowed her eyes Assuming the girl didn't want to talk further, Syd stood "I'll go call the cops, and they can help you. Alright." Syd said Eleven jumped to her feet, running over to Syd and blocking her from the phone "Wha-" "No Police." Syd started to retaliate but the girl glared at her, slowly shaking her head "N-no Police..." The girl trailed off.

Sydney nodded, taking a step away from the girl and the phone " there any reason why..?" Eleven nodded but didn't speak causing Syd to become slightly frustrated 'stay calm Syd' the redhead said in her mind as she noticed the TV shake slightly. "Okay...Eleven, I'll...I'll figure something out.." Syd mumbled glancing towards the clock seeing it was almost 4 in the morning "Come here." Syd motioned for the girl to follow her which she did obediently. Syd led the girl to her room and quickly set up a small bed on the floor "Okay, I'll tell my mom that you are a friend from school and you wanted to stay over." Syd explained, hopping in her bed. Eleven didn't respond, staring into the wall. Syd glared for a moment letting out an exasperated sigh.


Syd was awakened by her brother letting out a yell. "Syd, if you don't get up you'll be late!" Syd groaned sitting up noticing it was around 7 am. "Shit." Syd jumped out of bed startling the girl on the floor. As Syd was shoveling clothes out if her drawers she suddenly turned to Eleven who was staring at her with wide eyes "'s the plan, I'll be gone for a little bit. Wait for mom to fall asleep and then I'll sneak back in" Eleven nodded at the girl's explanation. Syd nodded continuing to dress. "I'll see you in a bit" Syd shouted, mostly towards the strange girl as she sprinted out the door.


Eleven waited, listening as the strange girl she had met yesterday's mother shuffled around in the kitchen.

Eleven never actually learned the redhead's name, but she'd ask later, she has more things to worry about right now.

What if they find her, they would hurt this family if they didn't comply. Just look at what they did to the nice man with the fries. Sighing, Eleven laid down on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Hearing a door slam somewhere within the house. Eleven stood, shuffling out of the room and down into the living room. Staring at the talking black box she had seen yesterday. Carefully, she reached out and caressed the top. Turning away, she moved towards the kitchen seeing exactly what she was looking for, food.

Looking through a few cabinets, Eleven opens the fridge, faced with a bright yellow box. Tilting her head she carefully read the writing on the side. "E-eggo's?"

Eleven grabbed the box, pulling a semi-large yellow circle with square-shaped holes in it out. It was hard as a rock. Eleven brought it towards her face, prepared to take a bite "No." Syd said startling the girl. Syd carefully set the backpack down "be quiet, C'mere." Syd led the girl to the toaster with the box, explaining that she had to put them in the machine before eating them. Eleven nodded, dropping the strange food item in the metal box. Then turning the Syd. Said girl stared back, slightly confused " gotta turn it on." Eleven's face falls as she turns back to the toaster, tilting her head in confusion "How?" the girl asks causing Syd to sigh, bringing a hand to her face momentarily "Oh god, alright." Syd scooted over, pushing down the metal bit sticking out of the box causing the eggo's to sink into the machine. "You don't know much do you?" Syd asked quietly looking at the girl who averted her gaze to the floor "It's alright, I never told you my name. I'm Sydney." Eleven glanced at her, seeing that Syd had held out her hand for a handshake. Eleven carefully held the girl's hand.

Syd felt a bit awkward as the two falls into silence, Both jumped as the toaster ejected the eggo's, Eleven flinchings.

"It's al-" "Sydney? Is that you!" Syd's eyes widen at the sound of her mother's voice, "Shit hide." Syd pushed the girl towards the supply closet "Don't worry okay." Syd said closing the door. Trapping the teen in darkness. Eleven slowly lowers herself to the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees starting to breath heavily. Old memories flashing in her head as she dropped her head in-between her knees.



She called softly as two large men grab her arms and start dragging her "no Papa!" The girl cried and they carried her out of the pale, greyhaired man's cold gaze. The men dragged the girl around the corner and tossed her carelessly into a cold, empty room, slamming the door shut. "No! Papa please!" the teen banged on the door as darkness filled the room, Eleven slide down the door, sitting on the floor with tears flowing down her face. "Papa..."


"Hey." Eleven jumps as Syd kneel in front of her "It's okay, are you alright?" Syd questions and Eleven nods, letting out a shaky sigh. "Jesus this is nuts," Syd says, standing up, "I convinced my mom I was sick. So we should be alright for now, c'mon." Syd grabbed the plate of nearly forgotten Waffles and leads Eleven back to her room. Eleven returns to the set up on the floor, snatching the waffles from Syd and munching on them Syd sits on her bed, thinking through her options "Hey...I gotta tell my mom, she might be able to help you." Syd explained, Eleven seemed to think it over but shook her head "No." "why not?!" Syd shouts suddenly, causing Eleven to flinch. The whitette glanced at her, Blue eyes sharpening. "Can't." Syd groans standing up "I don't know how to help you alright, Mom will. She's an adult, we need an adult." Sydney pulled open her door prepared to shout to her mom, but the door slammed right in front of her face. "The fuck..." Syd trails off, slowly opening the door it is yanked from her hands and slams closed, 'Calm down Syd." Sydney takes a deep breath. Turning to face Eleven, but to Sydney's shock, Eleven is standing glaring at the redhead, Blood dripping from her nose


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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