Chapter 1: The Fire Demon

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Tokyo, Japan, 9:28 p.m May 26 2020

    "Tokyo, and several cities are being evacuated due to Mt Fuji's sudden activities. The Volcano will have a level 5 eruption." The ambassador mentions in a press conference broadcasted in billboards throughout cities.
     The Volcano had been active for a few days with a big black cloud rising in the sky, and countless earthquakes.
     "Come on Haruo, we have to hurry." Sayaka said. "That mountain will errupt at any moment."
     The mother and son had been living in a small apartment near the great mountain. Sayaka's great grandfather always told her tales passed down by many generations about a demon sleeping in the mountain, but she believed it was just a silly story to frighten her.
     They leave their apartment to see the entire street empty with no one in sight.
     Mount Fuji lets out a scream as lava bursted out.
     The ground shook while Sayaka was starting her car's engine. She placed Haruo in his car seat and started driving.
     Airplanes, trains, and helicopters were leaving the city while pebbles of dust rained from the sky.

     Sayaka reached the highway only to get caught in a traffic jam. People were leaving their cars so she grabbed her son and did the same.
     "What about our items?" Haruo asked.
     "Don't worry, I'll buy you new ones." Sayaka told him.
     Lava chunks spewed out, destroying buildings and houses nearby.
     A chunk of magma striked an intersection nearby, killing a group of people.
     They both arrive at Tokyo but they weren't out of the woods yet. The crowd kept getting bigger and bigger as they go farther in the neon jungle. Crying and screaming was the only things the two heard in their ears while fire fell upon them.
     An earthquake struck, knocking over a building nearby.
     The crowd started pushing through while the mother and son tripped from the pushing.
     Mt Fuji bursted a loud explosion, destroying the top of the mountain.
     Chunks landed on the Shibuya Crossing, crushing anyone beneath it.
     Lava shot down a helicopter in the sky, and into the crowd.
     Both Sayaka and Haruo ran like hell to find their train station blocked by crowds.
     People started looking towards the mountain to see a big, tattered wing rise.
     The mother turned around to see another breaking through, sending rocks flying in the air. She finally understood the tale was passed down by many generations for a reason.
     Jets soared above everyone as they fired missiles on its peak, covering it with explosions and smoke.
     A big lava chunk came out of the smoke and was flying towards the city. It hits a building as its upper half started falling to the crowd.
     Sayaka carried Haruo as they started running. The debris crushed hundreds of people behind them afterwards.
     A loud roar cleared the smoke, revealing a molten rock-skinned bird with 2 horns, and a beak with lava dripping out of its mouth.
     The crowd was horrified as they continued running while the demon continued breaking free. It was confused on how everything has changed since his last slumber.
     An explosion behind the bird erupted as it shrieks in pain.
     The bird raised his wings and eyed on the jets as they flew over him, and towards the city.
     The demon flapped his wings, and leaped in the air while dragging flames and lava under the cracks in his skin. Its fast speed dragged along a strong force of wind under it, sweeping everything like a tsunami.
     The jets dispersed to lure the demon away but it was too late.
     The bird flew above the city while the wind plucked everyone out of the ground.
     Haruo looked to see the bird flying past them with a wall of clouds right behind.
     Sayaka knew they weren't gonna outrun the wind but she sees a building with big pillars beneath it. She ran towards them and held on as the strong force caught up to them. "Hang on!" She yelled to Haruo.
     Smoke made it hard to see through the wave while Sayaka felt many hard objects scraping her arms.
     She looked to see Haruo but was shocked of seeing him in the air while still holding on so she began mumbling prayers and cried but her son's hand was slipping away.
     With the blink of an eye, her heart stopped.
     She watched as Haruo was taken away, disappearing in the smoke. Sayaka bursted in tears and continued holding on. The wind died down so Sayaka started running the direction her son flew. Instead, she saw a wasteland with no one in sight, not even a single movement.

     The jets soared high in the clouds with a big flaming bird right on their tails. They dispersed to try and strike the creature.
     Its lava and flames lit the entire sky up.
     A jet was right next to the hooked beak, so the bird reached forward, opened his mouth as he got closer and closer. The monster then snapped it shut, destroying the jet.
     He flapped his wings as he ascended and disappeared in the clouds above.
     The squadron couldn't locate where he was after but only heard loud roars.
     "9 o'clock!" A jet pilot yelled through the mic.
     The creature was barrel-rolling downwards and was heading towards them.
     A strong funnel, like a tornado, formed behind him.
     The jets tried to spread out but were grabbed by the winds.
     One by one, each jet lost control as they slammed into the monster's wings.
     It continued to go down and towards the city.
     Burning aircrafts fell around him as the demon landed on a building while the funnel touched the ground. The bird lets out a loud screech in the middle of a city in ruins.
     He looks in the distance to see another jet pack heading towards him.
     The monster raised his wings to prepare but a blue glow in the ocean appeared.
     Suddenly, rows of spikes pierced through the water.
     "An unidentified object is in the water, 5 o'clock. Could be a second bogey." A jet pilot said.
     A new creature appeared with a long tail, sharp claws, a muscular body, scales as skin, a head that looked like a mix between a bear and lizard, and blue, glowing spikes in its back, in the shape of a maple leaf that varied in size.
     They both stare each other down.
     Tanks arrived on the shore as they line up, ready to fire.
     The lizard approached the Tokyo Bay and was quickly greeted by gunfire. His spines glowed once more which caused his mouth to glow.
     It was the lizard's turn.
     He blows out a blue colored fire breath towards the tanks, annihilating them one by one.
     The bird tries to scare the lizard off, but it made the other more pissed.
     The demon roars as he goes airborne, while the giant lizard started running towards him. 


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