The mysterious Duelist

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It's been about a month since Duelist Kingdom, a week since Yugi had to duel Duke Devlin. I decided to leave for school early to help get things set up for the soccer game. As I was walking, my phone went off. I grabbed and looked at the caller ID...Seto. I smiled. Seto and I have gotten a little closer since Duelist Kingdom and the virtual world. I pressed talk and placed the phone at my ear.
"This is Nicole Fudo, please leave a message after the cute beep...beep," I joked. Seto let out a small chuckle.
"Do you do that with everyone that calls you?" He asked me.
"Just my favorites," I stated. "So, what's up?" I asked.
"I won't be able to come to school," he told me. I frowned.
"I'll be taking of everything alone, won't I," I said. Seto said he would help me with the event. I don't exactly have the muscle he's got.
"I'm still trying to fix everything the Big Five ruined. I don't generally trust most of the workers to do it, so I've been doing it on my own," he told me.
"Seto, you know you could have asked me to help you. After all, I could hack a computer in my sleep," I told him. That's right, I'm great at hacking, my parents never knew. I just got bored one day and started practicing that, now I can get into anything. I'm also good with other technology because of it.
"I know," was all Seto replied with. I sighed.
"This is because of Yugi being my brother, isn't it," I said more than questioned. There was silence. Bingo. "Look, Yugi doesn't have a problem with me hanging out with you...or more. In fact, he likes it since he says I smile more," I stated. It's true, I told Yugi about how I kind of have feelings for Seto and he told me to go for it. I was sitting in my room reading about ancient Egypt, hoping to get some information on Naira. I heard a knock on my door and told the person to come in, knowing it would be either Yugi or Grandpa. It was Yugi.
"Hey, Nik. What are you doing?" Yugi asked trying to see the book. I showed him the cover. "Oh, learning about Naira. Found anything?" He asked me.
"Just that she was the Princess of Egypt, was married to her cousin, and had a child," I informed. Yugi frowned.
"Nothing about the Millennium Bracelet?"
"Nope and it's really frustrating!" I exasperated falling on my bed. "Does god not want me to know my own past life?! And now...I'm talking to a ceiling," I said. Yugi chuckled at me and sat on my bed.
"How about a change in subject? What is going on with you and Kaiba?" He asked me. Okay, I see the mischief in his purple eyes. I playfully glared.
"Okay, now my brother wants to talk boys. Did you turn into a girl over night?" I asked hoping to get him off the subject. Yugi shook his head.
"Very funny, no changing the subject," he told me. I grumbled.
"Fine! I don't really know if there's anything going on between us, but...since Duelist Kingdom I've kinda...had a crush on him. Then the virtual world thing happened and we kissed and...I don't know!" I covered my head with a pillow.
"So, do you think it's more than a crush?" Yugi asked me.
"Would you hate me if I said yes?" I asked back.
"Why would I hate you?" He asked.
"Now we're answering questions with questions. Yugi, you and Seto are rivals," I stated.
"So what?" Yugi asked. I knew he shrugged since I felt the bed move a tiny bit.
"So...would you have a problem with me possibly being in love with your rival?" I asked him.
"Nik, I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. I mean, you like him and since Duelist Kingdom, you seem to be smiling more because of him. I just want to see you happy, Nik. If Kaiba does that then go for it," Yugi told me. I moved my pillow and looked at my brother.
"You really mean it?" I asked. He nodded with a smile.
"If you don't, then I'll tell him you like him myself," he threatened. I gulped and glared.
"You wouldn't..."
"Try me," he smirked.
"You've been around Yami too long," I told him. I pointed at the puzzle. "I blame you!" I exclaimed. There was a small shine from the puzzle, humor I bet. "And he's not denying it. Keep my brother innocent, bub! A boost of confidence is good, but an ego boost isn't!" I stated. Another shine.
"Nik, stop arguing with a puzzle," Yugi chuckled. I pouted.
"Take all my fun. So, you really have no problem with me and Seto?" I asked. Yugi shook his head.
"Nope, none at all," he confirmed. I smiled and hugged my brother.
"Thank you...little brother," I smirked. He jumped back.
"I'm not little!"
"You do remember I'm about two months older than you, right?" I asked him. He sulked.
"That doesn't mean I'm little," Yugi argued. Always a problem being called little.
"Well, become two months older than me and you'll be my big brother," I challenged.
"Sometimes I hate you," he mumbled. I just chuckled.
"Love ya too, bro," I told him. I smiled remembering that day.
"He really doesn't have a problem with it?" Seto asked me.
"Nope, in fact, he's routing for me to hang out with you," I stated.
"Mind skipping school then?" He asked.
"Yes, I do. I'm the only one who actually decided to be here early enough to help set things up. If I bail, who will do the work that needs to be done?" I asked.
"Someone else?" He asked me. I smiled.
"Seto Kaiba, you're influencing me to skip school. Last I remembered, I was the rebel," I told him. A small chuckle escaped him.
"I think you're starting to rub off on me. Well, good luck with setting things up. Maybe I'll see you later," he told me.
"Okay, I'd like that. See you later, Seto," I told him. We said our good byes and I hung up. I was already in the school by now. I then set things up and went outside to find Joey and Tristen there. "Hey, guys," I greeted.
"What are ya doing here so early?" Joey asked me.
"I told the teacher I would come here early and help set up," I answered.
"Are Yugi and Tea on their way?" Tristen asked.
"They should be here by now. Yugi and Tea are never late," I told them. They nodded. I saw Tea running up all out of breath, she looked distraught. "Tea! Are you okay?" I asked worried.
"Yu...Yugi...h-he," Tea said trying to catch her breath. She finally reclaimed her normal breathing. "We stopped by a fortune teller, but it was a trick. The man took it and ran. Yugi and I separated to find the guy, but Yugi is still going after him," she told us. The guys and I changed our shoes. "Come on, guys. Hurry! Yugi may be in trouble!" Tea told us.
"Just lead the way, Tea. We're right behind ya," Joey told her.
"Yeah, any creep that messes with our buddy has to deal with us all," Tristen said. I nodded.
"You said it," I agreed. The soccer coach walked up to us.
"Alright people, just where do you think you're going?" The coach asked. "You volunteered to help with the soccer game."
"I know, coach, but we've got an emergency," Joey told him.
"Tea's cat has gotten sick," Tristen said. I nodded faking sadness.
"We need to take it to the vet," I added.
"Please, we need to help Fluffy. Poor Fluffy!" Tea fake cried in her hands. The coach was in tears.
"I didn't realize your little kitty was sick. Of course you can go," the coach told us.
"Yes, sir. Thank you coach!" Joey and Tristen said with fake tears. We all took off.
"Save that little kitty!" Coach called out.
"He's really softy at heart," Joey commented.
"It wasn't cool to lead Coach Morty," Tea said to us.
"It's an emergency, we had to, Tea," Tristen told her.
"Yeah, Yugi needs us," Joey agreed.
"I hope we can find him," I said. I then smirked. "So, ever thought of being actors? Especially you, Tea," I told them. They all smiled.
"I prefer dancing more," Tea answered. I nodded.
"Well, you have another occupation in mind if the dancing doesn't work out then. Never know, you might be in the next Dirty Dancing movie," I smirked. She blushed. I knew she liked the idea considering it had dancing and cute guys to dance with. We kept running, following Tea. We made it to an ally where the all the arrows were pointing in different directions.
"Yugi!" Joey called out.
"Yugi!" Tristen called out next.
"Yugi, where are ya, buddy?!" Joey shouted.
"This is ridiculous!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, someone is playing us for suckers!" Joey agreed. I saw Tea fall to her knees panting as the boys and I had our hands on our knees doing the same.
"These arrows...are like a giant maze," Tea said. I looked up and saw smoke.
"Oh no!" I gasped.
"There's smoke! A fire! Someone may need our help," Tristen said. I nodded.
"I have a feeling that someone is Yugi," I said running ahead. The others followed.
"Help me!" We heard a man cry from the warehouse.
"Someone's in there!" Tristen said. Way to state the obvious!
"Don't worry! We're here to help you! We've got to get them out of danger," Tea said.
"We'll try to get in. You call 911," Tristen told Tea.
"I'm on it, be careful, you guys!" Tea said as I handed her my cell. Tristen, Joey, and I ran inside. Tristen reached the door and grabbed the handle. He pulled back hissing. Joey and I started kicking the door.
"Nikki, maybe you should get out of here," Tristen told me.
"What?!" I asked.
"With your fear of fires, this might not be good for you," Joey agreed. I narrowed my eyes.
"My brother is in there, I know it! And I'm going to help you guys whether we like it or not! My fear is not getting in the way of this!" I told them as I started kicking the door again. They nodded and started helping me. We all took a few steps back.
"Okay, on three..." Joey said.
"One...two..." I started.
"Three!" Tristen called. We all ran to the door and tried to push it open. We kept going and my shoulder was starting to hurt.
"Tristen, you're knocking that door like a girl scout. This time, hard!" Joey told him. We tried again and got in.
"Anyone here?!" Tristen asked. It's then Bandit Keith arose in a black robe, screaming and running.
"This place is haunted!" He said running out. He had pushed me out of the way and I felt. The fire nipped at my arms making me yelp.
"Nikki!" Joey and Tristen said worried as they helped me up.
"I'm okay. We have to see if anyone else is in here," I told them. We started making our way through the fire asking if anyone else is in here. It's then we saw Yugi.
"Yugi! What are you doing?!" I asked running up. He was fixing the Puzzle.
"I can't leave yet, guys! I have to finish putting together the Millennium Puzzle!" Yugi told us.
"All this smokes gone to his brain," I heard Tristen say. Yugi put the last piece on then and fainted. I caught him as the boys got up.
"Yugi? Yugi!" I called.
"The Puzzle...can't leave...without my Puzzle," Yugi gasped out before fainting.
"Alright, let's do this, Joey," Tristen said. He and Joey started trying to pull the Puzzle down as I held Yugi.
"You go grab Yugi's deck!" Joey told Tristen. He nodded and did so. I looked over for a way to see if Joey and Tristen could get the Puzzle down and I did.
"Guys! The poles! Use them!" I told them. They nodded and grabbed them. They had trouble at first until they put one of the poles through the hole and pulled. It's then the Puzzle was out. I grabbed the Puzzle, feeling dizzy from the smoke. Tristen grabbed Yugi and Joey grabbed me before they both ran out of the warehouse. I just felt out of it from the smoke. We made it to the hospital and I was in another room getting my small burns taken care of. I heard a knock at the door before the person stepped in. It was Seto! He looked at me with worry.
"Are you alright? Gardner called and told me you were in a fire," he told me as the nurse left. I gave a tired smile.
"Yeah. Just got a few small burns and in haled a little smoke. I'm okay though," I told him. He gave me a look.
"What about your fear of fire?" He asked. I winced a little and he saw that. He sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"It's just...first my parents and now this. If my friends and I hadn't gotten there in time...Yugi, he'd..." I couldn't say it.
"He's fine now, just resting. I asked one of the doctors and they said he just fainted from the smoke and heat," he informed. I sighed of relief as my head laid on his shoulder.
"Thank god, what about Joey and Tristen?" I asked.
"A couple of small burns, nothing big," he replied. I smiled at him.
"Thanks. And thanks for coming to check up on me," I told him. He gave my shoulder a squeeze.
"Anytime. The doctor said you're free to go if you want," Seto said to me. I smiled at him.
"Yeah. I'm just going to see Yugi first," I told him. He nodded and walked me to the room.
"Knock it off guys or I won't share my hospital food with you," I heard Yugi say.
"We'll be good," I heard Joey tell him.
"But guys, where's Nik? Is she okay?" Yugi asked. I smiled and walked in.
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" I asked. Yugi smiled in relief. "Hey, shouldn't I be the one who smiles in relief here? I mean, it was you who was in the fire. I swear, when I find out who did this to you, I'll hurt them so bad their grandchildren feel it," I growled. Yugi chuckled.
"Calm down, sis. I'm fine. But what about you?" He asked me. I smiled at him as I sat beside him.
"I'm fine, a couple burns, but nothing compared to how the ones from Duelist Kingdom were. Now, Yugi Moto, no more handing strangers your Puzzle. Am I clear?" I asked in my stern tone. Yugi nodded.
"Lesson learned," he replied. I nodded and hugged my brother who happily hugged back. We pulled back and I stood up. "Nik, be careful. Whoever was after the puzzle is also after the Bracelet," Yugi warned me. I nodded to him.
"Well, I'm heading out. Yugi, you get some rest. Joey, Tristen...don't do anything stupid. Tea, keep an eye on these two goofballs," I told her. She giggled as the two boys protested and Yugi laughed. "Love ya, guys," I said leaving. I walked out to find Seto standing there with Grandpa.
"What are your intentions towards my granddaughter?" I heard Grandpa ask. Oh boy, overprotective grandpa.
"I only came to see if she was alright, old man. I even offered to give her a ride home," Seto told him. Oh great, his defenses are up.
"I can see passed that cold wall. I've seen the way you've looked at Nikki. It was the same way her father looked at her mother. Just make sure Nikki stays safe and treat her right," Grandpa said before heading to Yugi's room. I smiled at Grandpa before walking over to Seto.
"Sorry about Grandpa," I apologized as we walked out. I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"I don't blame him. You are his granddaughter after all," he replied as we got in the car. I then smirked.
"So...what are your intentions?" I asked him. Seto was a little taken back by the question.
"Why do you ask?" He asked me.
"Call it curiosity....I mean, well, back in the virtual world, you kissed me. We haven't really talked about it," I stated. He stiffened a little.
"I thought it made it obvious," he told me. I smiled a little.
"So, you like me? I mean, as more than just a friend?" I asked. He stiffened more. I grabbed his hand and I felt him relax.
"What about you?" He asked me. I smiled more. I cupped his cheek making him look at me. I pressed my lips to his feeling him stiffen in shock. He relax and kissed back. I pulled away with a soft smile.
"Does that answer your question?" I asked. I see his lips tug into a smile.
"I think it answers both of ours," he said cupping my cheek, stroking his thumb against it. I sighed in content as I leaned into his hand. "How long?" He asked me. I grabbed the necklace piece.
"Pretty much since you helped me with that duel. You?" He asked.
"The moment I first laid eyes on you," he answered. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder, I felt his head rest on mine.
"So....are you going to ask me or are we just friends who kiss on occasion?" I teased. I knew he was rolling his eyes at that.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I smiled.

Author's Note:
Did that just happen? I do believe so!

What are your thoughts on Seto asking Nikki out??


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