TWELVE ~ Triple C

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"I'm going to Blaire's tonight. Don't wait for me tomorrow morning, Taylor will drive us." I told Ash as I gathered my things. I should've felt guilty for always leaving, but I needed to get out of the house after the disaster with my mom. This house was everything but calming to me right now, so Blaire arrived like my fairy godmother and invited me to spend the night, even though it was a Sunday night. Taylor and Blaire were waiting for me outside as I said goodbye to my sister. Well, the one who was almost always home.

"Are you sure? I can still get you in the morning?" Ash offered, sounding slightly worried.

I shook my head. "No need for Nathan to drive every which way tomorrow. I got a plan, so don't worry about me."

She sighed. "All right then. Text me if anything comes up and I can get you."

I nodded to her with a shake if my head and slipped out the door, hurrying to the car before I got left in the dust. Taylor tried to be nice, but I knew she was tired of having to drive us around all the time. I gave her an apologetic smile.

"Thanks for picking me up," I said.

"No worries. Ready?" She asked us. Blaire gave a nod of approval and we took off towards their home. I quietly hummed to the songs playing on the radio as we cruised along the road.

The moment the car stopped Blaire dragged me inside and up to her room. Though not as big, her room was more cozy and homey then my own. It felt like a loved place where not even the shared secrets could creep through the walls and escape to the rest of the world. We both crawled on top of her bed, sleep already trying to capture us under its wings. This was a very last minute plan, and it nearing ten at night.

"OK, so now what?" I asked, sitting up and looking at her with curious eyes.

Her eyes lit up as mischief danced in her irises. "Well, I feel like it's been a while since we chugged, cried, and confessed. You up for it?"

The Triple C as we called it, was a activity we invented in the eighth grade. We would sneak alcoholic drinks from whoever's house we were in, chugged until we were drunk, or close to it, and then let out everything. Sometimes we cried, and sometimes we didn't. The part that was always consistent was the confessing. Normally I'd be up to get a little tipsy to take off the edge of life, but I was mostly afraid of what I'd end up saying if I agreed.

But tonight was not about hiding. So I said, "Yes! Let's do it, it's been forever."

Blaire smiled, which seemed to light up the whole room. She was almost glowing with joy.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you like this. It's nice, but very random."

She shrugged lightly. "No reason. I'm just happy to spend time with my best friend is all. I've missed you."

"You saw me all day yesterday." I reminded her. "How are you not sick of me yet?"

"I could never be sick of you. Besides, I'm not the only one who's acting different."

I raised a brow. "What are you trying to say? I'm acting the complete same. Should I be worried about you? Are you feeling OK?" I tried to put the back of my hand against her forehead, but she swatted me away.

"Yes! I am fine. But you, damn, have you really not noticed at all?"

I had no clue what she was talking about. Yes, I might have been acting strange, but that was only because I was trying to figure my life out. I had no clue how I appeared to everyone else.

Blaire scoffed, but not in a rude way. As if she was trying to get me to say something, but I just wasn't cooperating. I gave her a defeated look, asking her to clarify.

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