THIRTEEN ~ Still Young

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"I think I should start seeing a therapist, because I'm not very OK." I said, before shoving another spoonful of cereal into my mouth. Ash's eyes almost fell out of her head.

"What?" She said, trying to compose herself.

"Therapy. I need to talk to someone, because I lied. I'm not OK. Can you, like, make me an appointment sometime?"

She nodded, instantly getting up. "Yes I can, of course, I'll do it right now."

"Oh, it's no big deal." I called as she rushed to Dad's office, most likely to tell him what I just said. "Whenever it's a good time for you."

"It's always a good time." She shrugged, looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Thanks for taking my advice, Cat. I really think this will help."

"Yeah," I mumbled. She was almost around the corner but I piped up. "Blaire and I are going to a party tonight, she's giving me a ride."

Ash froze in the doorway of the kitchen. "That's not how that works. You have to ask permission, and even if you did, I'd still say no."

I stood up. "Why no? That's not fair."

"Is it? I'm all for your healing from Jake, but do you not remember what happened at the last big party you snuck off to? You were devastated. You're not going."

She turned to walk away, but I wasn't going to let her pretend to be the new parental figure so soon.

"You're not my mom, Ash. I'm going. All my other friends will be there, I will be completely fine."

"Look, I know you're having a hard time with Mom, but now you're not being fair. I'm trying my best to make sure you don't make another mistake like you did with Jake. You aren't ready for the party scene yet. I said no, so stop asking me."

My hands balled into fists. "I was afraid to be alone with a not for months. I was finally able to tell Blaire the truth about him, and she took it better then I told myself she would. This will help me, Ash. You can't shield me forever. I need to get my life back to normal, and this is how."

She looked skeptical. "By going to a high school party, where everyone is drunk and all over each other? I doubt you'll be doing any healthy healing there."

She had that look. Like this was just another one of Catherine's meltdowns, this one dumber than the others. She looked tired of dealing with me.

"Please?" I begged, one last time. "I won't ever be alone, I won't drink, and I sure as hell won't sneak away with some random boy. No mistakes."

She stared me down, her blue eyes as intense as the ocean. There was one thing I was sure of: this child of hers would surely never want to see this face.

"Midnight." She said sternly. My heart spiked.

"I can go?" I said quietly, as if me being loud would cause her to change her mind.

"If you need a ride, call me or Nathan. He can just spend the night."

I ran over to her and hugged her.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed. Blaire will be here in an hour, I promise I'll be home before midnight, I promise you."

Ash rolled her eyes, hugging me back. "Yeah, yeah, go get ready. You don't want them getting here when your hair isn't ready."

I smiled and took off for my room. For the next hour, I worked on curling my hair and finding an outfit to wear. I finally settled on a tight black leather skirt and a blue long sleeved shirt that dipped into a V-shaped neckline, pairing it with a pair of black wedges.

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