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haewon prepared a basket of fruits for eunwoo's mother. she has been in the hospital for a week. the doctor has not yet advised them if his mom can already be discharged from the hospital.

"you sure this is enough?" haewon asked aera.

aera nodded and chuckled, "why? that's enough. you actually got two baskets while others prepare only one. they only have one patient, haewon. you aren't giving them to other patients, right?"

"of course. this is just for aunt."

"or... you want to give them to eunwoo. of course he's al- hey! what was that for?" aera stopped for a while after haewon hit her arm. "was just saying the truth."

"well, if he wants any, he could have it. it's not like he is not allowed to eat their food."

"you still care for him, don't you?" aera asked.

"not that i do, not that i don't. eunwoo is still eunwoo. we started off as good friends and his parents are close to me. remember that i owe them big time."

"you owe them big time but you don't own them your life or your heart."

"basically, i did."

aera was surprised because of what haewon said. she felt bad for her friend but of course, haewon got her own heart and mind but she's there, ready to fight and tell her when haewon gets blinded by things ahead of her.

"so let's go? i'll drive you to the hospital before i go to the studio."

"you need me? in the studio today?" haewon asked but aera shook her head.

"yes but of course you got more important things to do. i can handle this, head writer so let's go now. don't mind this editorial section. you got the following days to work on this. for now, prioritize your family."

so the two girls left the house and were headed to the hospital. aera dropped haewon by the hospital and drove to the venue.

"good morning." she softly greeted upon entering the room.

there she saw very familiar faces - eunwoo's friends from school, his classmates. she has seen them on the photos on his phone when they were still together.

the students politely greeted her and she nicely greeted them.

"got you fruits, mom."

"thank you, sweetie." the woman said and kissed her on the cheek. "how are you doing?"

"got a little stressed from this new editorial section we are working on for our magazine."

"what is it about?" eunwoo's mom asked.


"sweetie. coffee or hot choco? which one do you prefer?" eunwoo's father asked.

haewon smiled and politely said, "hot choco, papa. had been drinking three cups a day of coffee, or maybe more than that. had to keep my eyes open for hours. sleepyhead can't work without them."

"three cups of coffee a day? wow! adults really have a difficult life!" one of the students exclaimed upon hearing what haewon said. "oops, sorry. heard that."

haewon chuckled, "wasn't too old to be called adult already. but maybe i am. i don't know." and she shrugged her shoulders.

"perhaps, that's because you looked stressed. and you aren't dressed up today, my dear." eunwoo's father said.

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