I missed you

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"Yes! A million times yes!" Sophie told him, jumping up and down in excitement.

"You're so cute," Keefe looked at her adoringly, "turn around so I can help you put on your necklace." He smiled down at her.

"Okay," Sophie looked down and blushed, pulling her hair from the side so Keefe could clip the necklace.

"Hey guess what!"


"I have the most beautiful girl in the world." Keefe winked at her.

Sophie proceed to look down blushing again.

"Hey," Keefe tilted her head up to look in her eyes, "there's my girl!" He said smirking at her.

Sophie giggled and tried to look away again, as she was turning into a tomato.

"I love how you look when you blush, you're perfect." Keefe told her, "don't hide from me." He pushed the hair out of her face as she tried to hide behind it.

Sophie buried her burning face into his chest, trying to slow her racing heart and fluttery stomach, knowing very well Keefe knew exactly what he was doing to her.

He chuckled and pulled her close, squeezing her tightly against his body, "yaknow Foster, I've been waiting forever for this moment. And you know what else?"


"I'm never letting you go, your mine forever and ever, deal?"

"As long as your mine as well," Sophie smiled up at him.

"Then it's settled, us forever, team Foster-Keefe is a go and it's never gonna slow!"

Sophie giggled at Keefe's little joke.

"So what now? What are we going to do Keefe?"

"Well Foster, I'm glad you asked. See I didn't just come up here to ask you out, no-no. We're camping the night away up here and we're going to roast some marshmallows from the forbidden cities, and have the best time."

"Sounds like a plan to me, what do we do first?"

"Oh that's easy, come here," Keefe told her, and cupped her cheek with one hand and pulled her close with the other, then he planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Sophie reacted almost immediately, kissing back. He tasted like... marshmallows?

Sophie pulled back as soon as she realized he'd had some without her.

"What's wrong, did I do something wrong?" Keefe asked with wide eyes.

"Yes! You had marshmallows without me!!" Sophie told him in disbelief.

"You didn't finish our kiss because I had marshmallows without you?"


Keefe looked at her for a second before pulling her back to him and kissing her once more, making sure they finished their kiss right this time.

"Let's go have some marshmallows then," Keef said, grinning at Sophie.

"Yes please!"

Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand and led her over to the fire pit, where they began to roast their marshmallows together.

Being at a campfire, Keefe obviously had to sing a couple songs he learned.

"Ninety nine bottles of pop on the wall, ninety nine bottles of pop! You take one down, pass it around, ninety eight bottles of pop on the wall!"

And he went on and on and on and on, and Sophie couldn't stop laughing. He even made different voices each time as to have different people singing different parts.

Then he got up and started dancing around the campfire as he sang, all the way down to one with Sophie laughing the entire time.

"Are you done now?" Sophie asked, still laughing at his performance.

"Hmmmmm, yeah I think so. Unless you want me to go again?" He smirked at her.

"As much as I'd love it, that was a great performance, bravo, I think we should go into the tent, I'm being eaten alive by bugs."

"Okie dokie!" Keefe said, scooping her up and carrying her into the tent.

"Keefe! I could've walked you know!" Sophie giggled.

"I know, but I wanted to carry you," he said with his usual smirk.

"Well I guess it wasn't the worst thing..." Sophie teased.

Keefe gasped at her, "Are you implying that I'm not strong enough to carry you!"

"Hey I didn't say it!" She laughed, teasing further.

"Well I can't say I'm not willing to show you just how strong I am," he winked at her before flexing his *very muscley* arm, "I've been working out you know."

"I dunno Keefe I can't really tell, doesn't look that strong..."

"Well then you'll just have to feel it then hm?"

Sophie moved closer, "I guess so."

She reached out and touched his bicep, which was very muscular and very strong. "Well I suppose you're stronger than you look," Sophie blushed.

Keefe grabbed her and pulled her to him, so they were laying down together. "You are too." He whispered in Sophie's ear.


"What's up Foster?"

"I missed you."

"I missed you too Foster."

I'm so sorry I haven't updated since whenever I last updated! I can tell you I'm planning on this being the last part as I'm kind of bored with writing this now😅 I may update once or twice more to show what's happened with all the characters in the future, or maybe how Keefe proposes or something like that, I'm not sure yet though. Leave a comment for what you'd like to read about and I'll do my best to make it happen! Thank you so much for reading and sticking it out with me and my story! Lots of love to you all ❤️ don't forget to vote!

I Missed You *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now