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Listen last breath, then focus on heart,
Said it's cool enough, why tore apart?
Was fool enough, now it's turn to be woken,
Why trusted you, now heartbroken.

Pain so sharp, couldn't be described,
Thought to shout at world, but it's bribed,
Still try to listen the words unspoken,
Was so loyal but still, heartbroken.

Had ever proved or always just felt,
When saw not loyal, got literally melt,
Eyes felt salt water a heart awoken,
Story of fairy tale, now heartbroken.

Don't come back or tell still love,
Trust shattered, killed the dove.
Explain the feelings, still unspoken,
Am still in love but heartbroken.

Hello my pies,and welcome to all the new pies in mommy pie's garden .
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Love you guys...
Kisses 😘😚😙

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