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Aha, two chapters in less than a week from me? Unheard of! But, its technically a school night, which is when I get the most motivation and inspiration to write. So uh, here ya go!

It wasn't long until Antarctica felt the van come to halt, and he looked out the front window, seeing a semi-fancy restaurant in front of them. He glanced down at his current attire, seeing he was in what he normally wore: a winter coat and jeans, which wasn't very formal... but he felt a bit better as he looked at everyone else, realizing they were also wearing clothing that you wouldn't typically wear to a formal restaurant.

Slowly, they all filed out of the car and waited on the sidewalk, Antarctica, and Greenland is the last to get out. He noticed Sweden and Norway whispering to each other, and glancing at the two of them. When Sweden realized Antarctica was looking at him, who stood up straight, as if he'd been talking about him and was trying to hide the fact.

He decided to shrug it off for the moment, and instead followed everyone else inside. By glancing around, he concluded it was some sort of seafood restaurant, but it wasn't like those places you'd see on beaches and such. Well, Antarctica wasn't sure if that's what they actually looked like... he'd really only seen them in pictures when he'd gotten the rare wave of wistfulness for the outside world. Though these spells of want would usually only last a few hours, and he'd be back to his normal isolation.

He snapped out of his internal monologue as he felt someone grab his arm. He jumped and realized Greenland had grabbed him and was tugging at him, motioning to show that the rest of the group had moved on. He quickly pulled away from Greenland's grasp, but nodded thanks and followed everyone else to a large table.

He sat down, Norway on one side of him, Sweden on his right, and Greenland across from him. Jesus, he just couldn't get away from this guy, huh?

He was soon handed a menu, and he began to panic. He'd never.... actually been to a restaurant before, and he had no clue what to do. He stared blankly at the menu's cover, a frown forming on his face. Oh god, this was so embarrassing.... he was so used to knowing what to do, it was so odd being thrown into a situation where he didn't.... a social one at that.

Sweden must've noticed his slight distress, and nudged him lightly.

"You alright there buddy?"

He asked, rather loudly. Antarctica winced, now realizing the rest of the table was now looking at him. Well, except for someone... Greenland kept his eyes on the table, only glancing up once. Antarctica appreciated it, but his focus was soon turned back to the question.

He was frozen for a moment, before nodding hesitantly, picking up the menu and opening it. Sweden seemed to take that as an answer and went back to his own menu.

Antarctica continued to stare down at the menu, eventually opening it and beginning to read down the page. As per usual for a restaurant, it listed the foods, drinks, and desserts that were offered there. Antarctica began to feel overwhelmed as he stared at everything, biting down hard on his lip.

He only snapped out of it when Sweden nudged him once more.

"You good Antarctica? What do you want to drink?"

He asked. Antarctica glanced around and saw a waiter staring at him expectantly. Out of pure panic, he quickly signed 'Water'. The waiter stared at him confused for a moment, and then that's when he realized what he'd done, and that the waiter probably couldn't understand him. But then, he heard someone mutter,

Where You Are (Rewritten) II A GreenTica FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now