A Dream come True Ep 51

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They all left the house. Darshan sees off them to the gate. He waved at them and headed to the gate. Ronit whispered something in  Darshan's ears.

"Hello! Mr. Roy", screamed  Rohit.

"Who is Raval?"

"Search it for yourself", said Ronit.

Darshan went along and entered the house from the back door. Darshan was arranging the set of the cutlery. Rohit heard the sound. He removed his gun as soon as possible. He entered the hone silently. Darshan cleaned up the kitchen and then came to the dining room for the rest of the chores as he loves doing these things.

Rohit spotted him and asked him to status.

"Are you a thief?", asked Rohit by pointing the gun towards him.

"No! I'm the owner of this house!"

"Excuse me, I didn't hear you properly", said  Rohit.

" I'm the owner of the house  Mr. Darshan Raval", he said as loud as he could.

"Oh! You are the Owner"

"Yup! Will you have something?", asked Darshan.

"No! I'm fine"

"Come, I'll show you your bedroom", ordered Darshan.

He took him to the guest room and asked him to make himself comfortable. Rohit gave Darshan a small thing which was looking like an old mobile phone. He was asked if he is feeling anything wrong. He could just click on the icons on it.

 He could just click on the icons on it

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The six met each other in their usual place the canteen. The Obros were strictly ordered to have homemade food.

" Why are you guys having this food?", asked Anika.

"Because it's organic and healthy for the throat", Shivaay replied.

" Okay! Then share with us", Gauri added.


Anika stopped eating by seeing the five are having the organic food prepared by Krutika. Shivaay looked at Anika and asked her if he would like to have some. She nodded. After a few minutes, the bell rang for the next class.

Music class:

The class was full with students. Anurag approached Shivaay and asked him forgiveness about his dirty act. As usual Shivaay is the kindest person we could have. He accepted his apologies. After a few minutes Adam entered the class with Blake.

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