Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god."

I've repeated the same words over and over again for the past two hours.

Two hours since Elijah mysteriously fell unresponsive, landing like a sack of potatoes in the dirt.

I'm whispering them to myself neurotically, seated against a tree trunk, surrounded by nearly fifteen vampires—all who are broken in spirit. Paris is pacing nearby, unable to sit. Damien is watching him cautiously from a place beside me. The other living vampires—we found a few corpses inside—are so quiet, it's as if their mouths had somehow been stapled during the acts. They transferred Elijah to our bed to wait for when he resurfaces.

I know Elijah would expect more from me right now, but I can barely hold onto a single thought, not when I know he's with Samael. He was either summoned or fell into a vision, as I did when I was gaining power. None of the others understand it, and they are all too occupied to really try.

"It feels like a dream," Damien breathes suddenly, grimacing. "I mean, one minute we're all laughing... packing..."

"It was him. Not you. You didn't do this."

"But I did."

The only sound around is the droplets of rain pattering to the ground from the leaves overhead. "It was your body he manipulated. Samael used you, and it's all right to be angry about that. To feel sick about it." I shift towards him, regarding them all, trying to brave looking these creatures in the eyes. "All of you were used horribly by him."

"You do not understand, Cassandra," Jiayi grumbles, face tight.

"I do understand. I have lunged at Elijah and tried to kill him because of this devil. I have lived for years with the devil inside of my brain—"

"And you brought that here?" one of them growls, cutting me off. "There were children here, for fuck's sake!"

Jiayi holds up a hand. "We needed them to help us. I invited them—"

"We are all murderers because of you!" The enraged vampire jumps to his feet, eyes intent on only me, but he doesn't get far. Damien's hand slams into his chest, now standing guard over me.

"I'd suggest you back the fuck up," Damien snarls. The vampire's hand curls around the blade at his hip and my eyes widen, realizing just how bad this could get without Elijah to mediate.

"Someone must pay for this."

Damien is bristling, no doubt wishing to take out his anger on anyone in reach. "I swear, I will rip your bloody heart out of your—"

"They wouldn't want this, okay?" I gasp, sliding up the tree. Paris, temporarily brought out of his grief, extends his arm to me territorially. I don't take the easy freedom. I'll try to ration with them. "I didn't think he'd do this. I didn't think he could be so cruel... I'm so sorry. This wasn't your fight."

"We cannot place blame here," Jiayi snaps, taking our side, perhaps only to avoid bloodshed. "It will only bring us further apart."

"Further apart?" One scoffs, shaking his large head. "You think we can bind together through this as a family?"

"You are upset, Lani. Please take a moment to actually think before you act."

Lani points at me accusingly, making Damien chuckle, bending into a position of attack. "She must leave now. All of them must. We need to burn the bodies."

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