2; no one likes a know it all

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Everyday until the start of term felt like an lifetime. The minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days. Even video games weren't passing the time as they usually did. Ryan Ross didn't get stressed out, he usually found no time for worrying over things that he couldn't change. But he actually felt physically sick thinking about starting school. The horrible acidic taste at the back of his throat lingered the entire week. Z was busy most of these days, she was preparing like a normal person. You know revising the terms topics and getting a head start on the different subjects? Well Ryan knew he should probably do the same. But he opened his books and just felt a sinking feeling - then immediately felt himself slamming the book shut and hiding it under his bed. Because maybe if he didn't look at it, it would go away?

It didn't- the fateful day still came. His 6am alarm screamed by his ear jolting him up from his pleasant slumber. It was actually the first time in a long time that he was getting up at 6 not going to bed at 6. It was a strange feeling waking up and actually seeing the sunrise. He cursed out loud as he reached for the clock, slamming his hand down on the top of it to shut the damn thing up. Now that was out of the way he could shower.

A lot of these things he was doing were a first. Showering wasn't usually top of his list, that's what happens when you're a loser who says inside practically everyday. But deep down he felt like he needed to make an impression, he lathered the strawberry scented shampoo into his hair. It was his only choice.

He contemplated how he would style his hair, the guys he noticed had a sort of 'emo' style. Maybe he wouldn't get the shit beat out of him for being emo at this school. But he wouldn't go too far. He used the flat iron to sweep his hair into a fringe, covering practically one half of his face. Hey that's half of the population he doesn't have to see right?

He decided on a green day shirt and some black skinny jeans. The ones that Z told him weren't 'that bad'. He finished the look of with a black belt and some scuffed up black vans - to really exaggerate the depressed teenage look. After staring at his reflection for a few moments he reached for his iPod and blocked out the world for the next few moments.

"See you later" he shouted to his mother. Who ignored him, she was asleep. Or at least he assumed she was but she didn't really answer him when she was awake either. The song to come on first was supersonic by oasis. A pretty good song Ryan thought so he didn't bother to change it. But his music was cut short.

"Ross!" Z shouted into his ear after yanking one of his earbuds out.

"First my games now my music what next, my soul?" He complained - glaring at the girl. Although his facial expression quickly changed when he noticed there were to other guys with her. He didn't expect social interaction this quickly and immediately forgot how to speak. From what Ryan could tell they seemed fine...cheery actually. Maybe a little too happy. But they liked Z. So he should like them.

"This is Spencer and this is Jon" she motioned to the two guys, they raised their hands when their names were mentioned and gave a genuine looking smile. It put Ryan to ease a little. The one who had answered to Jon looked Ryan up and down once or twice.

"You don't look that much of an asshole," he said with a familiar tone. God did Z just attract the same sort of people? Jon reminded Ryan so much of himself that it scared him. Z elbowed him in the arm pretty hard invoking a girlish squeak of pain and a chuckle from the other guy.

"Nice shirt. Dookie, a classic" he nodded.

Maybe these guys were alright. Z patted  me on the shoulder twice and motioned to the whole group to follow her. Everyone seemed to instinctively know that Z was in charge. The boys fell into their place at the back, talking for the majority of the way. Beginning to get closer as the journey continued.

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