3 ; Brendon

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Biology went pretty quickly, the teacher was as he expected - one of those young female teachers who really couldn't control a class. She simply put the answers on the board and expected everyone to copy them out into their textbooks by the end of the lesson. Ryan did so with ease - he wasn't wanting to get even more behind than he already was. There was also a plus side to being in a class with no friends, there would be no one to distract him. For the entire hour he focused solely on his work and nothing else. Not even noticing when everyone else was packing up their biology books because it was the end of the lesson.

"Ryan" the voice beside him whispered, poking his arm with a sharp force that caused a reaction from the other boy. He made a frown - it was actually quite painful. "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he added sounding rather sheepish. Ryan didn't really have the time to process the fact this guy knew his name without him specifically saying it. He was more preoccupied with quickly getting the books he needed from his bag.

"So you know my name then?"Ryan asked offhandedly as he began to pile the physics book onto his table, he didn't notice but the boy besides him shifted slightly in his chair feeling a little awkward. The boy did realise he might've been a little invasive, he'd just met this guy and hadn't even bothered asking him his own name. So out of embarrassment he just fiddled with the pen in his hand, avoiding Ryan's blunt questioning and now his cold eye contact.

"It's right there" the fidgeter mumbled pointing his finger to the eye sore of a name tag. Ryan exhaled a small sigh and shrugged in acknowledgment.

"I know.." Ryan glances to the name tag opposite him to learn the guys name "..Brendon." He read out slowly. The now named Brendon gave a small smile.

It was a nice name Ryan thought. If it was actually his real name - from what he mentioned from his mom earlier he was sort of disappointed he wasn't named after the stars or something. But Brendon was nice. It was cute. It matched his face in a way. Ryan's thoughts were getting the better of him as he quickly realised he'd been staring - again. Shit he'd have to stop doing that. Luckily for Ryan's psyche, Brendon was busy filling out the physics questions now and wasn't paying attention. They just began to work in silence. Yet again.

The rest of the morning went by in a similar way. The boys just worked through pretty speedily and shared occasional small talk here and there. Nothing too crazy, just normal non awkward conversation. Which is why Ryan found it really confusing when he felt disappointed when Brendon had to leave, he noticed how quickly he put away all of his books and pencils. How he seemed desperate and almost anxious to get out of the classroom. He was so rushed that as soon as he slung his bag over one of his shoulders he abruptly went to leave. Before sharply stopping in his tracks to look back at Ryan.

"I'll see you around Ryan" he spoke slowly, and gave him a small wave. The sentiment didn't last long however - because almost immediately he turned back to the exit and practically ran out of there. Before Ryan could even try to say bye or wave back he was gone. Just like that.

But his name never did leave Ryan's mind.

He actually remembered the name of the table Z said she sat at, but it didn't matter if it had slipped his mind as he spotted her from the other side of the cafeteria. Z was stood up on her chair, waving frantically to Ryan. Who wanted the ground to swallow him up at that very moment. To the best of his abilities he tried blocking out all the rest of the people. Trying his best to ignore the stares and small snickers he managed to make his way over to the table and sit down.

"Do you need to make such a scene?" Ryan complained taking out his 'healthy lunch' that was comprised of a monster, Doritos and a pack of sour patch kids. Z gave a blank stare as if she had no idea what he was going on about. She leaned over and took the sweets - opening them up and sharing them with the group. Ryan ignored her antics.

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