Who are Kats and Trixes?

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By: Red Terror 

Welcome to planet Terra 3560 AD! Sparky told me it was best to have me cover the first "chapter" and I found a history book in the Kattia Archives that should help me keep dates and facts straight. 

Anyways, we have a lot to cover so let's get started, shall we?

"First off, what happened to Earth? Well, humans outgrew earth a long time ago."

 That would 300 years or so if I am not mistaken. 

"On April 16 3230 AD humans united together into two groups, the Terra Constructors (TC), and the Terra Army (TA). The two groups worked together on the project "Planet Terra" in order to find a new planet to live on."

That would be about 300 years, score one for Re- 

Wait a second-

"However, in order to accomplish their goal... they needed workers... Lots of them."

They really called them 'workers' hu? 

 Never mind... let's keep going.

As a solution, two new species were created in labs using various animals. It wasn't until 3242 AD, 12 years later, that they were able to create beings that were stable enough to reproduce. They now had two types of workers; the Kats, and the Lupex.

Again, with this 'workers' thing.

"The Kats 'replaced volunteers' for various jobs such as construction labor, lab testing, and even companions for young children. Because of the diverse reasons for owning a kat, they were breed differently and formed 3 subcategories based on size and behavior."

"The Dwarf kat was used as a show or companion pet and are under 1.2 meters tall"

For you few who still use the outdated imperial system that is around 4 ft tall. Why you would want to use that system is beyond me. Then again you also have Flat earthers in your time so I don't know what I should have expected.

Anyways, back on track.

"Owners often dressed dwarf kats up and used them for fashion shows, movie actors, or other forms of film/entertainment. These kats were often more refined and had better vocal cords that allowed them to talk more clearly. They are able to see more color than the other two types as dwarf kats have tritanomaly instead of tritanopia. Many lived lives very close to their owners and were often seen as a part of their masters family rather than a servant. These kats are also known to have higher mood swings, higher voices, and act more submissive and tame than the other two types."

Wait, wouldn't that have more to do with how they were treated instead of a genetic trait? Who wrote this history book! 


At least the dates are accurate.

 let's move on.

"The Average kat is just as it sounds, average. These were mainly used for testing drugs, free labor, smaller construction processes, and stunt doubles"- 

wait it doesn't mention anything about the other testings? Nothing about Dr. Mark? It is as if the author was trying to... hide what he did. 

... interesting.

Okay, I'll try to keep these interruptions to a minimum from now on. It is just weird that he wasn't mentioned at all.

"These kats act a lot like cats in reality. A mixed bag of what personality you are going to get. Some Average kats are kind and sweet, some are bitter and grumpy, others are even a bit psychotic and scary to be around.  With that being said, they were also the most plentiful... and therefore seen as expendable resulting in a lot of abuse."

"The Omega Kat is the largest breed and is based on both height and the number of fingers on their hand. If they have 5 fingers or they are above 2 meters tall they are considered to be an omega kat. These were used for construction, mining, and other physically demanding tasks that Average kats were incapable of doing. They also have a hard time pronouncing words with the double ee sound, like "me" or "tree" due to their vocal cords being underdeveloped."

"These creatures were called kats, mainly because of how diverse they were as well as their physical appearance looking like an anthropomorphic cat, even though they are a mix of a LOT of different animals."

"The other species, the Lupex, were created as soldiers, uniform in almost every way. They were made to need others of their kind and didn't work well in isolation. Instead, they formed large armies quickly and while small variants were deemed necessary, they were breed early on to be uniform, unlike the kats."

"Lupex had two variants, the eagle-eyed, and the howlers. Just like it sounds, the eagle-eyed was given insane eyesight that rivaled eagles in clarity and resolution. The Howlers were given insane hearing abilities and could create maps of their surroundings with their eyes closed through minor echolocation. The two genes making these abilities couldn't be crossed together since every Lupex had both genetics and it was the matter of which the Lupex used more during their first stage of growth that caused one or the other to become dominant."

"But wait, this is titled Who are Kats and Trixes, not Who are Kats and Lupex.  Where do the Trixes come into play here?"

"The answer is simple, Lupex is the original title for Trixes. The Lupex were honorable and noble warriors who protected others from harm, whether they were a Human, Lupex, or even a Kat. With the direct aid of the Lupex, a group of Kats was later able to escape to a far away solar system deemed baren of resources but livable in order to escape the abuse they received from humans on planet Terra."

"As to why Trixes changed their name? That will be left for the next chapter. I know how people just love cliff hangers."

No, they don't! 

I will have to talk to Sparky about the accuracy of this history book... I wonder who the author Analise Markez is.


f̶i̶r̶e̶w̶o̶r̶k̶'̶s Sparky's notes:

Very funny Red.

Hi there reader, if you are confused I understand. Let me shed some light on what just happened.

Let me repeat that Red is a fictional character. I said that in the description and I want to make sure we are clear. However, that doesn't make his insight invalid. Quite the opposite.

Anything I write whether from my perspective or Reds was intentional to either make the reader think, make a point, add comedic effect, or reference events that I purposely left as loose ends in this archive book. 

This includes things like Dr. Mark's "legacy" of being a horrific human scientist involved in a lot of shady testing on both Kats and Trixes, or as simple as how the metric system was eventually used by everyone when the two groups began their work focused on space travel.

In my mind, not everything needs to be explained in plain text. Infact this is accurately depicted lore as those facts would NEVER end up in a history book, well maybe the imperial system but that is besides the point. 

What I am getting at is Red's very nature is to challenge what he is reading, seeing, and being told. Not just by insulting the imperial system, which was a jab at me as I live in the US, but uncovering things that history books would never uncover. The Kattia Archives library isn't the only thing I gave him.

If you have questions that are not covered in this book, even with this first chapter, submit your questions on the Sparky & Red Tumblr page. 

This isn't a random plug to social media. 

I am notified a lot quicker there and you can post anonymously instead of requiring an account in order to comment like you do here. Plus not all questions require large answers like this chapter did. Some need simple answers, which will be posted there. 

As to who Analise Markez is, Redgie will figure it out. Just give him time. There is a reason he is the one reading the biased history book after all. 


No Red, I'm not Analise Markez. You are going to have to try harder than that.

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