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Zee thought he's doomed the moment he met Saint.


After, being away from Thailand for centuries, Zee's family decided to come back. And as what they always do, they had to shift back to the youngest possible version of themselves. For them to survive in a world were people ages and dies, they had to keep moving around. This allowed them maximum amount of time to stay in one place.

It was in 4th grade when Zee met Saint, they were seatmates. Zee would always be bombarded with questions like:

"You look sick."

"Why are you so pale?"

"Do you want half of my chocolate bar?"

Zee had promised himself that he would never make friends and that he would never attach himself with anyone. Living for 454 years he had witnessed deaths of close friends and loved ones. And he had suffered enough pain to learn his lesson.

But Saint, was just a different case.

He would always follow him around, cut his chocolate bar in half for him, talk to him during break and lunch (even though he knew he would never answer) and walk with him home.

One time he told the kid to stop following him but the response he got surprised him.

"You would be lonely if I stop following you. I dont want you to be lonely. "

That had struck a chord in him and he realized, the kid was actually helping him get through the day. It was excruciatingly tiring to listen to something you already know of and have heard of tens and dozens of times. It was amusing to listen to the kids ramblings about the monks in the temples, their dog who wont ever listen to him, the aunt next door, the uncle on the other street, the vendor, the 7/11 crew-- the boy just couldnt stop talking about everyone and the randomest of things.

Slowly the walls he built started crumbling and he found himself actually enjoying the company of a kid.

And then it happened.

It was in 5th grade during science class. Zee accidentally broke a funnel and cut his finger while collecting the shards of glasses. Everything happened so fast and the next thing he knew, his finger was already in Saint's mouth. He immediately pulled his hand away and was about to scold Saint but the boy suddenly dropped on the floor unconscious.

Zee panicked (and forgot he was supposed to be kid), carried Saint on his back and ran to the infirmary. Saint was then rushed to the hospital when he didn't respond to first aid.

"The doctor didn't find anything wrong and they said I was just sleeping for 3 days" was what Saint said when he got back to school 3 days after.

Zee felt the bond connecting them. He was restless for 3 days and he kept sneaking to the hospital checking on Saint, making sure he was fine.

This is bad. He thought. He had heard of stories of humans wanting to become like them and tried to steal blood from them. They all died. For some reason the details weren't disclosed to them.

The week after was time for their tea cup ceremony. For them to continue living they still have to consume human blood once a month. Zee emptied his cup like usual and found nothing different. He felt relieved.


A few hours after the ceremony, he vomited. He felt disgusted and he craved to see Saint. At that moment he realized how fucked up he was. He mad dashed towards Saint's house as the thirst became unbearable and knocked on the boy's window.

Saint was so surprised to see Zee (well his room was on the 2nd floor and there was no way Zee could've jumped that high) but still he opened his window and allowed his classmate in.

"This might sound crazy but I need your blood" was what Zee said as soon as he stepped into the room.

The boy just blinked, several times, and when he finally realized what Zee was saying, he scooted far away and covered his neck with his hands. He then exclaimed, "I knew it! You're a vampire! You should be asking a girl not a boy like me!"

Zee deadpanned wondering how the boy could be thinking of gender right that moment. The boy explained he had the hunch since 4th grade and found it cool.

Zee didn't know if he should be happy or not. He slumped on the floor as the running he did earlier cost a toll on his depleting energy. He needs blood asap.

"A few drops would do. Just please get over here."

Zee's eyes have turned red and his skin was much paler than usual. That alarmed Saint. He ran to Zee's side and reluctantly offered his neck. With eyes shut tightly he waited to be bitten.

Zee scoffed and flicked Saint's forehead. The boy winced and pouted which made Zee chuckle. He then pulled the boy's hand and without a word bit the side of his palm.

Zee's heart thumped hard in his chest when the taste of Saint's blood flooded his senses. He had never tasted anything that good before. He shut his eyes and sucked some more before forcing himself away.

"A few drops of blood once a month is enough to keep my urge to feed at bay. I will prepare a syringe next time to draw out blood so I wont need to bite you all the time." he gasped.

The boy blinked. His face screaming.. That's it? Done? What do you mean by next time?!

"You'll be feeding me from this moment onwards and if you dont wanna die, never tell anyone about this."

I just need to get this one out of my system! Tell me your thoughts in the comments 💕

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