Chapter 12

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As we all commenced with our studies, Jonathan was recovering at home.

Every afternoon, we visited Jonathan, his room was bigger than our home in the village. On the left side of his bed, I found my photo in a picture frame, kept at the bedside. I didn't dare to touch it and neither made anyone aware that I have seen it.

We all talked and laughed with him, he was recovering well. His facial expressions signified that he had questions but did not ask neither I tried to be alone with him.

In the afternoon, as usual I made my way towards Jonathan's room, as I entered no one was there at that point of time. I was reluctant to walk in; my heart was pounding heavily at the thought that what if he is alone and will ask me questions.

I wanted to walk out but then heard Jonathan moan, I called out to him since he was not in his bed.

I walked into his bedroom, then I heard his voice coming from inside the bathroom, I walked towards the bathroom, cautiously turned the door knob, it was not locked. Opened the door wide open, saw Jonathan was on the floor, had only his towel on him.

He was trying to get up slowly, instead of helping him, I stood there with my mouth open, staring at his body. He looked at me and said, "what?" with the pain in his eyes, questioning me will you just stand there?

Coming back to my senses, I saw he was limping, I rushed towards him and asked what happened, he said "I slipped on the floor and hurt my leg," I quickly helped him to come out of the bathroom and he sat on the bed.

His clothes were put on the small sofa on the side of the bed, I quickly reached for it and gave it to him. I turned around for him to wear his clothes.

He said softly, "Nancy, please help me put on my clothes." I was blushing, and was shy. I couldn't run away from there, I helped him pull up his undies and his trousers to the knee level and he helped himself. I was too nervous to look at him.

We were so close; odor of his cologne was captivating which made me close my eyes. I felt his hands softly brushing against my cheeks and I lifted my head towards his, and he lowered his lips onto mine, I went numb and he kissed me. His lips were soft.

His tongue slid right across my lips, parted my lips as he slightly kissed me causing the sensation through my body. His lips parted, I responded back, his kiss was magical. We moved closer and closer, clinging to each other, until I heard his cry.

Oh God he is hurt and here I am kissing him. I gently moved back and mumbled, "I'm sorry" gasping for air, I felt dizzy and slipped into his arms. He whispered "why Nancy; didn't you enjoy it."

I blushed, moved away from him towards the door. He said don't tell me you will run away again; you are a champion in running do you know that. Jonathan smiled and thoughts ran in his mind "Nancy, I have some hope now that I will win you."

Next time, I will be smarter, I will make sure, that someone is in his room when I visit him. Every time I saw him, I remembered the moment, surprisingly, I was secretly wishing for more.

Jonathan was getting bored staying mostly in his room, he asked Janice and Harry, if they could camp in his room in the weekend.

One night as we all camped in his room, we started off by playing cards. After some time, we got bored, Harry started telling stories, Harry had lots of horror stories to tell. I personally felt spooky about the ghost stories and was silently wishing for Harry to stop telling his scary tales.

Slowly Jonathan gets up from his bad and walks to me, I was sitting on my bedding on the floor, cozy. He came and sat beside me, he lay his head on my pillow and was listening to the stories.

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