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WARNING: Mature Content


"Where are we going now, Jungkook?" I stretched in the seat beside Jungkook who was completely focused on driving, one hand placed possessively on my thigh and the other on the steering wheel. I stole another glance at his sharp side profile and smiled.

"You don't have to act so petty, Jungkook." I remarked, looking at him as his jaw hardened. "You were the one who got this dress for me and wanted me to wear it as well. Why are so upset now?"

"Because that bastard was fucking eye raping you, Y/N!" He gritted out angrily, referring to the man he'd caught staring at me earlier.

My face heated up at the manner Jungkook had growled in annoyance when he'd totally lost his patience with the man who had been another customer at the restaurant Jungkook had taken me to for dinner.

The food had been amazing and Jungkook had been the perfect date as he'd made me feel happy and comfortable. We had both enjoyed the dinner date tremendously with other other couples throwing awe filled looks in our direction...that is, until Jungkook spotted this one man who'd been openly leering at me for what seemed like ages.

"Let's get out of here, Y/N." He'd put his coat over my shoulders and grabbed my waist, leading me outside with a totally pissed expression on his face.

"No, he wasn't, Jungkook." I tried pacifying him, my fingers toying with his knuckles. "I swear I'm fine."

Jungkook glanced at me disbelievingly and scoffed. "Don't try to calm me down, Y/N. It doesn't work like that."

Despite his words, his voice had lowered significantly and my lips twitched.

"I know men better than you do. You're so innocent that you won't know that a man wants you even if he comes and says it to your face." He continued grimacing, his voice strained. "So, I don't even expect you to understand why I'm so angry right now."

I bit my lip. "Are you jealous?" I questioned, hesitating a little. "I-Is that it? Is that why you're so angry?"

Jungkook's mouth closed as he paused to look at me intently. "Why do you think I'd be jealous?" He questioned, parking the car on the driveway of what seemed to be a small wooden beach house.

My face heated up as for the first time since the car had stopped moving, I realised that I was alone with him in such a cramped space.

Jungkook had moved a lot closer than he was before and my body seemed to buzz with a strange energy. We were so close that I was afraid speaking would ruin the mood and end this intense magical spark between us.

"You are too c-close!" I breathed, gasping as I felt him shifting even closer.

"It's all in your head." Jungkook whispered, continuing to lean in. Reaching out to stroke my cheek with one finger in a playful way, he smirked. "You are just intimidated of the proximity because you feel your heart's going to burst from the excitement." He crooned and then his playfulness increased as I felt his gaze slide down my thighs, right where I'd kept my hands clutched together to stop myself from fidgeting.

"And you are just scared of what you're feeling down there. There are flames licking up your body, isn't it? Don't you feel like you could literally jump me right now? Don't you feel like you'd explode if you aren't touched there right this second?" He whispered against my ear in a voice that was sinfully delicious and raspy.

The warmth of his breath fanning my ear gave me goosebumps and I shuddered as he continued in a calm voice. "Tell me, love. Am I not right?"

"You're right!" I shouted, giving up. My eyes were shut tightly by the time he backed away just slightly, facing me again. I could hear his soft chuckle thrum through my veins, stirring me up as his thumb gently caressed my lower lip in a seductive display of ownership.

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