Chapter 12 (vol.2 Ups and Downs)

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Junfeng has been really headache recently. Unexpectedly, the most toughest composer he cooperated with fell into a low ebb because he is lovelorn.

Kang said on the phone in grief: "Even the long march spirit can't save my sorrowful spirit."

Though Junfeng was annoyed, he didn't doubt that. Everybody knows that the girlfriend ... ex-girlfriend of Kang is as pretty as a fairy, losing a goddess likes her, no matter how painful Kang is seems understandable. He even considers sentimentally that it may be harder for a gifted composer who lives on inspiration like Kang to face the failure in love.

Definitely, the agent Wang is just openning heart to Kang unilaterally.

Having given himself the permission to rest, going with the flow, Kang stays at home and listen to the concerts peacefully, going to nowhere. It is losing love after all. In consideration of his reputation, which is still not bad, it's unsuitable to going out and hook up with women immediately.

At eight in the evening, Guan Xiao visits Kang with spicy crayfish.

Kang opens the door in pajamas. Though has beards, he is not gaunt, and seems lively as if it's not him that has just been dumped.

As soon as Xiao walked in, he heard the Beethoven Seventh Symphony, which was the live album conducted by Carlos Kleiber and played by Bavarian State Orchestra in 1982. In this performance, from conductor to all the musicians liberated their nature, making the music full of active emotion.

Kang takes the spicy crayfish with a smile, taking out a dozen of beers, and places them properly in front of the TV. Then he sits on the floor, watching Xiao with expecting eyes.

Guan sighs, turning down the music. He opens two cans of beer, giving one to Kang and has a swig of beer, then he says: "Sorry. Xiaoxiao has been spoiled by me."

Not that Kang cared. He unwraps the spicy crayfish: "Merry meet, merry part."

Guan takes another swig of beer, saying in a low voice: "I have disagreed since she struggled to be with you ... "

Kang sucks the crayfish, smiling.

Guan: "Forced him to leave you ..."

Kang is choked by the spicy oil, coughing violently and burst into tears. Finally, he calms down after drinking nearly half can of the beer, asking: "Him? Whom?"

Guan: "..."

Kang stares at him, toughly making him not even dare to say a word.

"All these years, Xiaoxiao and me have no large offence. No one needs to be sorry for another." Kang casts his eyes down, picking up a crayfish. He says while eats it: "There's no need for you to say sorry ... and it's unnecessary to rake up the past."

With mixed emotion, Guan thinks: "Truly you two don't have to be sorry for each other, but another person has been hurt deeply."

Words Guan was about to say disappeared. He takes a crayfish silently, having great admiration for Zhongyuan sincerely. "What a coward I am!" He thoughts.

It seems that Kang has thought in same way. He asks casually: "Is Hardbone still in Switzerland?"

Guan: "Yeah."

Kang: "When will he come back?"

Guan: "Maybe the second half of this year."

Kang tuts, leaning forward to turn up the music. The fourth movement, which is the most exultant, has just begun.

They just listen to the music with beer and spicy crayfish quietly. Finished the Beethoven Seventh Symphony then comes the Firebird. After the Firebird is the Rite of Spring, and then is the Concerto for Orchestra.

Chasing You and I'm Home(追声与循途) by 庸责己Where stories live. Discover now