Chapter 1: Uhm I ran into a wall?

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Third pov

It was just a normal Friday evening when Peter decided to go on patrol, what he didn't expect was that it didn't go really well, what does that mean?

That means that Peter got stabbed.

to Peter it wasn't really a big deal but he knew he couldn't hide that from a lot of people and he kinda didn't want to bleed to death.

So far for normal people problems.

He thought about it for a while until he decided to text his best friend: Ned, he usually knew what to do in these type of situations like being stabbed, on multiple spots.

Ned, I need your help
I'm bleeding pretty heavily

Who's Ned?
Wait what
Go to a hospital!

You're not Ned?
I'm so sorry!

Kid, I have a heart condition
Don't do this to me
And how did this even happen?

Oh, shit.  Peter thought, I need an excuse. Just play dumb Peter.

How did what happen?

Are you fucking kidding me?

You're bleeding!

yes, I forgot about that
I ran into a wall?

Wait, I keep calling you a kid
you're a kid right?

Yeah I'm 15

I would scold you for telling your age to strangers but I think it's more important that you go to a hospital.

5 minutes later


Tony was just mixed up in some boring meeting with Pirate and the avengers when he got these messages and he felt kinda worried, even though he hadn't met this kid.

He quickly glanced around the room and then stood up and left.
"Ton-" Steve tried, but he was already gone, leaving all the avengers with confused faces.

"Fri track his phone number for me will you?"

Somewhere in an abandoned ally

"Ughr" Peter growled he tried standing up but immediately fell back on the stone hard floor,
he looked on this left watching a shadow disappear before the closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

Cliffhanger !
(I promise, the next chapter WILL be longer !)

Hey everyone ! I'm bored because I have to stay home (Corona), so that's why I decided to be totally unoriginal and make a wrong number fic.
If you can spot any mistakes please point it out because English is not my first LaNgUaGE (I have no clue what I wanted to do there 👆)

Also which ships do you want in this fic?
-Pepper & Nat (I do not know the shipname 😂)


GUYS, ITS CLOSED !! ^^ (sorry but I've gotten hundreds of messages even after I made it clear it was closed :))

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