Dinner or Disaster

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Amelia was nervous to say the least. She checked her reflection again and bit the inside of her cheek. Sheila had left earlier to join Jack on a walk in the park. Amelia looked at her phone again and winced at the time. Almost seven and they had a reservation for seven thirty. Almost as soon as she put her phone down it buzzed with a call. Amelia answered with lightning quick speed.
A deep chuckle came over the speaker and sent shivers down her spine.
"I'm out front and Amelia calm down it's going to be fine." Eric's voice did help soothe some of her anxiety.
"Okay I'll be down in a minute."
They ended the call and Amelia climbed into the elevator. It seemed to move ridiculously slow on it's descent. Finally on the ground floor Amelia forced herself not to run across the plush carpet to the front doors. Exiting the apartment building she spotted a small red sedan parked on the curb. Leaning against the passenger door was Eric. She felt the air leave her body and her hands began to shake. He was dressed in a dark blue long sleeved button up that enhanced his musculature. He had his hands tucked into the pockets of his dark slacks and he wore polished black dress shoes. He smiled when he saw her and beckoned her over. Amelia forced her suddenly heavy legs to carry her forward.

Eric was attempting to remain casual. He was also failing at not staring at his close friend. She was wearing a dark red sleeveless turtle neck that accentuated her curves. It was accompanied by a slick black pencil skirt and practical shiny black heels. Her hair was whipped up into a twisted bun and held with two gold pins. Her eyes met his and he smiled and stood up straight. He hoped that he'd dressed appropriately for the occasion. She had told him the restaurant was pretty high end.
"My lady." Eric teased as he opened the passenger door. Amelia rolled her eyes and climbed in. After Eric was seated and they were on their way Amelia spoke.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with Amanda, I'm not even sure what she's hoping to accomplish by bothering you."
Eric glanced at her and felt his heart squeeze with sympathy.
"I handled it but I'm glad we got things smoothed out before I met your mother, don't worry too much." He reached over without thinking and gave her hand a light squeeze.
"You're so calm about this, how are you always so calm about things?" Amelia asked, the awe in her voice evident. Eric laughed to himself, he was nowhere near calm right now. Amelia was sitting next to him, he was going to see her mother and Aunt and he was trying his best to not stare at the beauty that was his fake girlfriend.
"You just have to take things one step at a time." He decided with a shrug.

Amelia felt her hands shake as she smiled at him. He was amazing, she'd known that since day one but he just seemed to get better the more she got to know him.
"I'm glad we're fake dating I wouldn't want to fake date anyone else." She stated suddenly. Amelia saw his grip tighten on the wheel and she bit her lip. Had she overstepped did he think she was weird now? Amelia's heart beat erratically.

Eric felt his stomach swoop at her words and he felt a pang of disappointment.
"I'm glad I'm fake dating you too Amelia, although it would've been nice to spend time with you just as friends regardless." Eric swung a quick look in her direction but she quickly looked out the window.
"We really should've been hanging out more before this whole fiasco." Eric continued, Amelia nodded and gave a hum of agreement. Eric felt that he'd said something wrong, something had upset her. He focused on driving and a semi-comfortable silence enveloped them.

Amelia was, to say the least, disappointed that she had been proved right. Just one sentence had shattered her hope that Eric might have actually felt something more than just friendship. She watched as he parked in a space a few rows away from the glitzy restaurant. He turned to her and smiled nervously.
"Ready to face the lions den?" He asked. Amelia smirked despite her disappointment.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Eric climbed out of the car and opened her door simultaneously taking a deep theatrical bow.
"My lady." He looked up at her and quirked an eyebrow. Amelia giggled and poked his nose as she sauntered by. Eric swallowed, his mouth strangely dry all of a sudden. He had to trot to catch up with her and extended an elbow. She smiled and placed her small hand in his arm. Together they walked through the doors of the restaurant.

Amanda sat at her mother's side and half listened to her aunt's story. Her dark brown eyes scanned the other diners and searched for her cousin.
"Amanda!" Her mother's voice made her sit at attention.
"Sorry, what was that?" She sent a sweet smile towards her aunt. Ilene frowned at her but continued.
"I asked when you're going to start dating again, it's been over two years since your divorce." Ilene watched her niece with intense grey eyes. Amanda swallowed, she simply didn't plan on dating again, ever, end of story.
"I'm not sure Auntie, it still seems fresh to me." She lied. Ilene didn't seem convinced but didn't press the issue. Just then Amanda caught sight of her cousin and her handsome date. She smirked as she watched them gaze longingly into each others eyes. Absolutley oblivious, she groaned inwardly. Amelia looked over and they made eye contact. Amanda smirked and tapped her diamond inlaid watch lightly. Amelia wrinkled her nose but plastered on a smile as she saw her Mother and Aunt.
"Amelia so glad you could join us, waste no time, introduce us." Delia stood to greet them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Amelia blushed and slipped her hand out of Eric's arm.
"This is Eric Corté, my boyfriend." Amelia's breath seemed to hitch on the obviously foreign word. Eric shook both their Mother's hands and smiled politely. Amanda forced herself not to roll her eyes as he looked to Amelia for approval.
"Nice to see you again Eric, how's the shop doing?" Amanda interjected, though she spoke to Eric she watched Amelia's reaction. Amelia showed no sign of shock or confusion. So they coordinate, Amanda tucked that info away. If they texted and made sure to keep their stories straight it might be a little more difficult to catch them than She thought. As easy conversation settled on the group Amanda locked eyes with her cousin and winked. She was onto Amelia's little scheme and she wanted her to know it.

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