Eric's dilemma

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Author's note: pic up top is too perfect for this chapter tap to expand

Eric was trying to focus on closing up shop but he kept worrying about Amelia. Knowing Kendall had stopped her should've made him calmer. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at his watch. Fifteen until four, he could close now. He pulled out his keys and headed for the front door when it suddenly flew open. Amelia came tumbling into his store and he caught her as she tripped over the welcome mat. His arms wrapped around her and her cheek was pressed into his chest. His heart was beating so loud he was sure she could hear it. He quickly stood her up and stepped back.
"Hey." He cleared his throat and smiled. Amelia was red in the face and she wrapped her arms around herself.
", can we talk?"
Eric swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. Here it was she was going to end it and he'd probably never see her again.
"Sure, is everything okay?" He asked as he led her to the break room in the back. She was silent until the small round table came into view.
"Okay, I want to ask you something and I'm not trying to be weird or clingy if it makes you uncomfortable don't have to answer I'm just curious and mmph!" Eric covered her mouth with his hand and laughed. He shook his head as he pulled his hand away.
"Amelia, you can ask me anything you know that right?" Amelia stared at him and his heart beat a frantic rhythm. Amelia bit her lip and he thought she blushed ever so slightly.
"Okay...I wanted to ask about the girl you were with the other day." Amelia twisted a brown lock around her finger and waited for his answer. He rubbed his neck and hesitated to answer. Should he tell her, would she understand, would she treat him differently if she knew? In his moment of hesitation Amelia spoke again.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me." She started to stand but Eric grabbed her hand.
"I want to tell you, I'm just...afraid." Amelia squeezed his hand and sat back down.
"I don't want you to treat me differently that's all." He explained. He hadn't relinquished his hold on her hand and she felt almost dizzy from his touch. Eric took a deep breath.
"Okay...she's my sister." Amelia felt somewhat shocked. He had a sister? Why would he hide that? Why did he think that would make her treat him differently? She flipped their joined hands over and ran her thumb over the back of his hand.
"Okay, can I ask why she's a secret?" Eric dropped his eyes to their hands and he smirked the slightest bit.
"Well, she's a supermodel for one." Amelia's mouth fell open and she heard a strangled squeak escape her.
"A...super...model?" Her voice was choked and she subconsciously started comparing herself to the woman.
"We don't tell people we're related because I'd be swarmed by paparazzi if they knew." Eric explained.
Amelia nodded her head in understanding then she tilted her head and squinted at him.
"You don't look anything alike."
Eric scoffed out a laugh and placed a hand over his heart.
"I'm hurt, are you calling me ugly?" He chuckled as Amelia floundered for a reply.
"Hey I'm just joking, she's adopted actually." He explained with a smile.
"But why would I think differently of  you because of that?"
Eric quirked his mouth and shrugged embarrassed.
"She paid for my store and...I haven't been able to pay her back." Eric scratched the back of his neck and pulled his hand out of her grip. Amelia mulled this information over for a moment. The short span of silence made Eric squirm as she stared silently at the table. Great now she thinks you're a bad person and a loser, fantastic job Corté! He berrated himself mentally.
"You really think I'd treat you differently because of that?" She asked with a small pout. Her full lips made his mind go blank and he squeezed his eyes closed for a moment to collect himself.
"Well...yeah, I figured if you knew I hadn't really worked hard to get this place you'd think I was a loser." Amelia gasped and stood up while slamming her hands down on the table.
"You are an idiot!" Eric jumped at her sudden movement and shout.
"I don't think you realize how hard you work everyday to pay her back, I know you don't take days off and you only have Kendall to pay so you can save." Eric felt his heart thump faster as she took a step away from the table and walked towards him with her arms crossed.
"You are one of the kindest, most hardworking, amazing people I know and you're attractive to boot!" Before he could comment she barrelled on.
"You have an amazing way with people, you got Kendall to work here and she's nice to people for your sake, you helped Sheila and Jack get together for heavens sake." Eric felt like his hearing was going out as she continued, the absolutely gorgeous look on her face as she lectured him about how amazing he was had him staring in open mouthed disbelief.
"You being here and having this place is what's gotten me through the last two years of working a boring office job, I keep going because I get to see you everyday and you don't get to say you're a terrible person because that's not the guy I..." Amelia came to a dead stop and slapped her hand over her mouth a sudden look of panic etched into her features. Eric was flabbergasted. He didn't think she felt that way, he'd never heard himself described so heroically before. He stood up slowly and reached for her but she took two hasty steps away and looked at her none existent watch.
"I just remembered that I have to meet Sheila for a...uh um...thing I'll see you later!" She ran so fast he could've sworn you could see a puff of smoke in her wake.
"Oh my God." He spoke aloud to no one in particular. His heart was racing and he wanted nothing more than to run after her and kiss her breathless. The sudden realization had hit him in the middle of her speech.
"I'm in love with her."

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