Into the Akala island

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Steenee:"I can't believe that! We are taking off!!"
Togedemaru:"I wanna go home!!!"
Pikachu:"No!!! Stop Togedemaru!!! You could fall off!!!"
Marowak:"Quick stop her!!!!"
Popplio:"Phew. We got her. It's gonna be okay Togedemaru. Crying will not get us back home."
Snowy:"Hey here comes a thunderstorm look!"
Pikachu:"It's raining hard."
(Thunder and lightning crashing)
Pikachu:"And lightning!!!!" In the morning the storm clears up and the Pokemon are waking up.
Steenee:"It's morning and the storm is gone."
Snowy:"There's a rainbow!"
Pikachu:"And we are in Akala island."
Togedemaru:"But how in the world are we going to land?"
Pikachu:"I don't know. Cause the only trouble is we don't know how to land."
(Stomaches growling)
Marowak:"I think we're hungry."
Popplio:"Hey there's some food in the basket."
Snowy:"Hey I have an idea. If we eat all of the food, we might get heavier than a rock and sink."
Steenee:"Good idea!!!!"
All:(Munching) A few minutes later the balloon is sinking down and landed on the ground gently. The Pokemon have their big appetites filled up and they got tummy aches.
Popplio:"Ooh my tummy hurts."
Steenee:"(Hiccups)"I'm full." (Hiccups)
Togedemaru:"It's a good thing that Snowy's idea worked."
Snowy:"I knew it. I feel I weigh a tons of something."
Marowak:"I think we are so far away from home."
Pikachu:"Marowak does have a point. I think we might find someone to fight with. But first we need to digest our appetites."
Popplio:"Okay let's do that." In 10 minutes later they got better and they are exploring in the Akala island.
Steenee:"Hey guys look I found goldenrods. They are beautiful."
Snowy:"Um guys? I'm gonna sneeze. Ah.... Ah.... Ah... Ah... Ah-choo!!!!!!"
Pikachu:"Bless you."
Popplio:"Hey there's some berries over there! I'll go get them. She got all the berries and send them in the basket of the balloon.
Togedemaru:"Hey there's a house over there. Let's go explore in there."
Pikachu:"Uh are you sure about that?"
Togedemaru:"Come on Pikachu don't be a party pooper. Just trust me." (Giggles) The Pokemon are heading to the house.
Snowy:"Wow. That's a nice house somebody got."
Steenee:"Oh look! Cherry blossoms. They are pretty."
Pikachu:"Quick!!! Hide!!!!" The Pokemon are running in circles trying to find a place to hide. Pikachu is hiding in the bed with his tail showing, Popplio is hiding in a barrel, Togedemaru is hiding in the pile of stuffed animals, Snowy is hiding under a desk, Steenee is hiding behind the couch sofa, and Marowak is disguising himself as a painting. A man wearing a green shirt and khakis shorts is arriving at the front door.
Man:"Wow what a unique looking painting. There's a Marowak. It's fabulous."
Pikachu:(Whispering tone)"Okay come on!" The Pokemon are escaping from the man and hopping on the hot air balloon and floating away.
Steenee:"Phew that was a close one."

Pikachu's Popplio's Togedemaru's Snowy's Steenee's and Marowak's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now