Finding the balloon

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Pikachu:"Come on fellas. Keep going."
Steenee:"Let's face it, maybe the balloon might be gone. Maybe for good I think."
Snowy:"Wait. If the balloon is gone, then we'll never get back to the trainer school!!!" (Sobbing)😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Marowak:"Nice going fruit brute!"
Steenee:"Excuse me?! What did you call me?! I'm gonna kick your tail!!!! Razor leaf!!!!"
Popplio:"Uh guys?
Popplio:"Is it just me or is the log that we are walking on moving?!"
All:"Uh oh." (Screaming) The log is moving and the Pokemon are running on it.
Togedemaru:"Pikachu what do we do?!"
Pikachu:"We have to jump!!!"
Popplio:"Do we have to?!"
Pikachu:"Yes!!! On three!!! One!!! Two!!! Three!!!" They all jumped.
Togedemaru:"Man that was a close one."
Snowy:"Yeah. Is this pollen? Pollen makes me sneeze. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah-choo!!!!"
Marowak:"Bless you."
Pikachu:"I think we're getting closer to the balloon. Come on. Follow me."
Steenee:"I'm thirsty. I need something to drink."
Togedemaru:"There's water over there!" They are drinking the water and Marowak fell down in the water.
Steenee:"Oh no!!! Marowak!!!!" Marowak came out of the water and the wild water type Pokemon came out of the water and it was a Araquanid.
Steenee:"Oh my goodness!! It's a Araquanid!!!"
Pikachu:"We must attack!!!" The wild Araquanid is using Bubblebeam to Pikachu but he dodged that attack.
Pikachu:"Thunderbolt!!!!!!" Pikachu uses his thunderbolt at Araquanid and it took a critical hit. The electric type attack is super effective against a water/bug type Pokemon. A wild Araquanid is using spider web on Steenee and Popplio.
Togedemaru:"That does it!!! Zing zap!!!!" She finished the wild Araquanid with her Zing zap.
Pikachu:"Way to go. Now let's get this web off of our friends. They are taking the web off of their friends. Then they found the balloon on top of the tree.
Marowak:"Let me get it down. Bonemerang!!!!" He threw his bone at the branches and get the balloon down.
Steenee:"Good job Marowak."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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Pikachu's Popplio's Togedemaru's Snowy's Steenee's and Marowak's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now