Author's Note

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Hello! Welcome! Most of this note will have little to do with the story to come, so feel free to skip it, I just wanted to rant a little. 

So I lost my writing mojo for a few years, and rediscovered it about a year ago. I had this grand plan of writing a novel in its entirety before posting anything online, and I was going to be one of those writers with a consistent upload schedule, I was going to edit everything before putting it online, I got a whole twenty-three chapters into the story, ran out of steam, got busy doing other things, and like every other project it got abandoned. So sad. :'( 

Well, I found my need to write again, but I've decided keeping everything to myself until I'm done is not really my thing, and also I feel very motivated to write a different story at the moment, so that's what I'm going to do. I've shelved Runt for a bit, and I'm going to write Cured instead. I'll come back to Runt eventually, I'm sure. 

My inspiration for this story came from reading a bunch of  zombie and post-apocalyptic stories in a row, and I noticed most of the zombie stories I've read where they find a cure, they don't really focus on what the aftermath of that is, how that would affect a person psychologically to have been a zombie and eaten humans to survive and then bam, you're cured, go back to your life. Except how can you go back to your life when everyone thought you were dead and moved on? How would that affect the survivors to have finally gotten over a loss only to have their loved ones back, but not the way they were before? 

I've literally been planning and loosely outlining for about a week, and remembered camp nanowrimo starts in two days, so I decided you know what, here we go. I'm committing to writing for the entire month of April (though my word count goals are a bit flexible), and I'm going to post every chapter as soon as it's done, no editing, no second thoughts. And if I start to falter, please give me a kick in the rear to get going again. I would greatly appreciate it. 


An addition, from 5/19/2020: So I'm still trying to keep writing, but it's slower than it was before, and it's probably going to slow down even more in June. I feel I can still promise a chapter every week, though I choose not to set a day for updates because I know I won't stick to it. Also, I always knew this story wouldn't be super zombie apocalypse (even though that is technically what it is), but it's turned into REALLY not super zombie apocalypse, so if that's what you're looking for, you can turn back now. This story is focused more on relationships and emotions and how the virus has affected them, sure, but with much less of the hordes and biting and infection etc. Still, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I've enjoyed writing. :)


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