college girl

51 2 1

Philip Hamilton x OC

Cordelia Gage POV

"Ah, yes. Miss Gage, you know the answer?"

I nod confidently. "Yes, professor. It's 43."

He looks impressed. "By chance, could you also tell me why Mister Smith got it incorrect previously?"

"Yes, sir. He forgot to carry the four. A simple mistake but it is easy to make."

"Yes, well done!"

My cheeks heat up. I know I'll catch crap for this later from the guys in the class but I love the feeling of being right. I feel like I'm proving society wrong. Women aren't supposed to have educations, but my father pulled some strings and got me enrolled in classes. It cost him quite a bit of money, and many of my classmates felt I shouldn't be there at all. Guys are all the same, they like you for your looks and your ability to cook, clean, and raise kids. They don't want you to be able to do anything else.

Phillip Hamilton POV

"Yes, well done!" The professor congratulates Cordelia.

I can't help but smile to myself. She's incredible! Beautiful, of course, but smart too. I'm pretty sure she hates me though.... I guess I am kind of a flirt. And the other guys in our class don't exactly give any of us the best reputation. I look around the room and see many of them glaring at her. Idiots. She's got just as much right to be here as any of us! I pick up my stuff and scoot closer to her.

"Hey," I breathe.

Cordelia Gage POV


I hear someone settling next to me and look over. Oh great.... Phillip Hamilton. The loudmouthed flirt. What does he want?

"The other guys are looking kinda mean, I don't want them to try anything or say anything to you. You don't deserve that."

Oh.... well maybe he's kind of sweet....

He sits next to me until class has ended, then he follows me to the courtyard.

“Do you have a lunch with you?”

I shake my head.

“You can have half of mine, then,” he grins. “I’ll go get it. Wait here, okay?” He runs off, presumably to get lunch. I sit on the border wall of the garden to wait. After a few minutes some of our classmates show up.

"Can I help you?" I slowly lift an eyebrow.

"Oh yes, actually. I was just wondering if I could borrow some of the daddy's money that got you in here? Obviously you shouldn't be." The boy who spoke sneers.

Okay.... ouch. "I passed the entrance exam, just like you did. I probably scored higher, too. Is there a problem with that?" I stand and begin to walk away. I can play it cool all day but their words still hurt...

"Yeah there's a problem.... you shouldn't be here." He presses, walking after me.

I pick up the pace, but my feet get caught in the skirt of my dress and I end up on the ground. "Owwww!" I groan.

"Hey, guys, leave her alone!" I hear Phillip's voice approaching. "Did you push h- did they push you?!"

I shake my head. "No, I just tripped over my skirt trying to get away from them."

The boy who had spoken previously lifts an eyebrow as Phillip helps me to my feet. "Why should we leave her alone? She doesn't belong here."

Phillip looks angry. "She's got just as much right to be here as you and I. The fact that she managed to get in despite everyone trying to stop her is admirable."

"The fact that she managed to get in is nothing short of ridiculous! She'll never make anyone a good wife...."

"I suggest you stop now."

The boy sneers. “Or what? You’ll write a poem?”

Phillip looks back at me, almost apologetically, before slamming a fist into the side of the boy’s face. He staggers back a few steps, his hand over his nose, before turning and running off, his friends following. Phillip grimaces. “Or else that will happen. Ma’s gonna kill me.... Cordelia, are you alright?”

I nod. “Yeah.... but I think I’ve skinned my knee.... it hurts a little....”

He pauses for a second, pensive. “Do you have any other classes today?”

I shake my head no.

“I don’t have any until this evening. Why don’t you come to my house with me, I can have my mom bandage your knee if it’s bad and we can get lunch there.”

“Okay, are you sure your folks won’t mind?”

“Nope, you might just save my rear when I tell them I punched a kid.”

I laugh as we began to walk. “Thanks, by the way.”

“For what?”

“For sticking up for me.”

“Hey, it’s no problem. Least I can do for the girl of my dreams....”

I stop. “For what?”

He blushes. “Oh god.... I’m so sorry.... that was dumb....”

“Wait,” I put a hand on his shoulder. “You actually mean it? You aren’t just being a flirt?”

He looks at me, his turn to be confused. “Well, of course I mean it! You’re literally perfect, I mean.... you’re smart and courages, you’ve got more guts than I do and that’s saying something. Of course, you’re pretty too.... you’re everything!”

“No one’s ever said anything like that to me before.... I’ve always been too bookish or too opinionated....”

Phillip frowned. “But that’s what I love about you! How could anyone say that’s a bad thing?”

I look at him for a second before standing on my tiptoes, ignoring the pain in my knee, and pressing my lips to his. He kisses me back, his hands pulling me closer. I finally break away and smile. “You’re not too bad, Hamilton.”

“Neither are you, Gage.”



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