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It's sad to say that the tour had come to an end. Would the guys still be my friends after this? I hope so. If not this could potentially be the last time I see them, I'm driving to dinner now. The thought saddened me but tonight was about celebrating the end of the tour. The last show was yesterday so everyone is back home now.

When I park into a local sports bar (it was their choice where to eat, not mine.) I recognize some of the guys' cars. Thankfully I'm not the first one here.

After walking in I almost immediately find Chris, it's hard not to notice him. He was sitting at a large table with the rest of the band.

"Hey!" I say sounding cheery while seating myself next to Ryan.

"Long time no see," Vinny jokes

"I know they've all asked you this a million times, but how was the overall experience of the tour?" Ryan asks

"It was so much fun, thank you all so much for letting me do this. I hope we can all stay in contact after this."

"Why wouldn't we?" Vinny asks. Everyone wasn't dressed in nice clothes tonight but somehow Vinny looked good in whatever he wore.

"I don't know, sometimes I still see myself as just a temporary replacement." I nervously laugh while shrugging my shoulders. Even if I was an actual replacement I wanted to stay apart of this group, this friendship.

Chris jumps in conversation as usual, "Liv you've added to the fun on this tour, of course everyone will still be friends."

"Thank you. My family won't believe what I've accomplished in this short amount of time. I'm going to carry all the memories on with me for a long time," I smile to them all. I felt appreciated, I didn't know how to thank them.

"We don't know what we would've done if you didn't go on this tour with us," Ricky states.

"Yeah, we could've been stuck with some asshole," Ryan says as we all laugh.

"I don't know what I would be doing instead either, nor do I know what to do now."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Vinny asks interested.

"Don't laugh when I say this but, being a piercer. I've had some practice back in Iowa." I know it didn't sound like the ideal job but it felt like that's where I'd be most comfortable. The rules on body modifications aren't really strict so it would allow me to be myself. Being a tattoo artist always sounded awesome to me but I didn't have the skill for it.

"That'd be cool!" Chris chirps.

"Thanks, I'm going to look into it in a few days or so. I need to relax at home first haha," I laugh.

"Well we all wish you luck," Ricky smiles at me.

"In the meantime, we can always hang out if you need company!" Chris suggests.

"Don't you guys ever get tired of each other?" I ask. They all always talked about hanging out, I guess I didn't picture bands being together a lot when in town.

"Sometimes, we're just so used to doing everything together," Ryan responds.

"Awe that's cute," I say. After that all the guys make gross and scrunched up faces, I laugh. It's cute to have a good friendship like them all.--Everyone joked all night, it was fun. Now we're standing outside ready to part ways, for some reason I felt anxious. Chris said we'd still hang out but I still have doubts.

"Goodbye, I'll see you soon!" I hugged Chris.

"Most definitely," he spoke.

Next was on to Ryan, I gave him a slightly awkward hug. "It was fun messing with you," He laughed. Once I let go of him Ricky was patiently waiting,

"It was fun getting to know you."

It may have seemed like everyone was saying goodbye forever but it wasn't. But just in case it was, I gave kind words to all of them. By now everyone had gotten in their cars except Vinny, oh Vinny.

"Come here," I smile at him. I pull him into a long, warm hug. Boys smelt so good, no wonder girls always stole their clothes. When backed away from his grip, Vinny's facial expression seemed.... Off. His eyes were starring into mine yet his body seemed frozen.

"Liv, I know we're both into each other so I don't know why I'm nervous."

Vinny pauses for a moment then continues,

"Would you like to go on a date, on Friday?"

My face must have lit up, I didn't even answer yet but he grinned knowing what I'd say.

"I'd love that! I thought you'd never ask," I sarcastically say.

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