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Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. I've got this, I'll be fine.

I look around in confusion, I've never been to this neighborhood before. To be fair I don't have friends, therefore, I don't actually go into neighborhoods. Chris was the persons' house I'm driving too, whoever that is. This may sound sterotypical but Vinny didn't look like how his band would sound. Last night I texted him to ask if he was sure they wanted to give me a chance, and Vinny sounded pretty confident about it.

When I reach the address I was sent I take one more big breath then exit the car. My hands were shaking which only made me more self-conscious and annoyed than before. Once I grab my bass out of the back seat I walk up to the front door. Just by looking at the outside it looks like a fairly small house.

I knock and quickly after I'm greeted by a familiar face.

"Liv! Come in, This is Chris's house." Vinny smiled.

After I walk in I was faced with three other dudes sitting on a large couch. The one closest to me had an oddly perfect oval head. He has long black hair with small eyebrows, his frame was pretty small too. Next to him was a guy with some facial hair and short hair on the sides and long on the top, slightly bigger than the first person.

Letting my eyes wander to the last person, I soon realize he was quite larger than the rest. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't intimidating. All of them had a good amount of tattoos, I think I'll fit in perfectly.

"This is Ricky, Ryan, and Chris. All of our equipment is downstairs in the basement."

Vinny mentions. Right now is be a bad time to think about how I'm the only girl here, I don't know any of them, and I'm about to be led into the basement.

"Well I'm Liv, what do you guys play?"

I remember from Vinny and I's conversation at Target that he plays drums.

Once I learn what everyone plays they direct me towards the basement. With shaky hands, I start to set my things up.

"How old are you?"

Chris questions me. I wasn't really planning on making conversation with them but it's nice of Chris to try.

"Twenty-one, I assume you're all older."

I spoke aloud.

"I didn't know we were bringing a kid into this,"

Ryan looks to Vinny and laughs.

I roll my eyes trying to ignore his comment. I'll tell you right now if they want to be rude I won't be putting up with that bullshit. Vinny seems nice so he better not have just brought me around a bunch of douchebags.

"Can we just practice now? I'm ready."

I say impatiently.

Everyone discusses what song we should start with. I have no say so I just go with whatever. Of course, they decide Soft which was the one song I am still struggling with.

I started the begging off great, I mentally give myself credit. Chris's vocals are so raw in person and it almost sounded even better than the recordings, he seemed sweet. As I played I eyed everyone else looking for a response or reaction to how I was doing. I tried to read their faces but can't tell by their expressions.

We were getting to the breakdown and I started hitting little hiccups. Trying to stay focused made it even worse. When I hit a big bump on an important part Ryan stops playing and interrupts,

"Why did you bring her here dude? You've only met her twice and you claim she's good."

Immediately I feel my face heat up with anger. Before I say anything Vinny opens his mouth to respond but Chris jumps in a second ahead,

"It's only our first song. Give her a chance,"

He shrugs in the process.

"Hey both of you, I'm right fucking here so why don't you talk to me."

I ordered. Ricky chimes in after everyone has a moment of shock,

"Let's take five. Liv, I can help you with this part if you need it, I used to play bass."

"I would like that yes, and thank you for addressing me instead of pretending I'm not here."

The last part was directed towards Ryan. The other guys set their things down and headed upstairs as Ricky approaches me. Before Vinny is out of my sight he gives me a sympathetic smile and mouths 'Sorry.'

"So what's troubling you?"

He says not phased by any of my past remarks.

"The strumming on the breakdown, the rest is fine for the most part. It's like I know I'm going to mess up this part so I almost get in the habit of it."

I reply honestly. Ricky seems chill, he could end up being my actual friend if I tour with them. Getting along with me wasn't hard if you're respectful.

"I get what you mean with the habit, we can practice it really slow a few times. Then every time you get it perfect we can go a little bit faster to work our way up."

Through the five minute break, Ricky gives me words of advice and some techniques to use instead. It was helpful and calmed my temper in the process.

"Are we ready to try again?"

I hear Vinny say as he walks down the stairs.


I smile at him. As he walks to his drum set I admire his upper arms. Vinny isn't a big guy, but his arms made him look strong.


The rest of the practice ended up going fine, I rarely messed up. Thinking back to the drive here I really had nothing to worry about except Ryan. Yeah, he made some dumb comments but if he was trying to get me to quit, it didn't work. Which if he was, that would be stupid. At the moment they kind of need me. Other than that, They all seemed to work as a team and I appreciate it. Nothing was holding me back from going on this tour so I am definitely more up to it than before. Everyone doesn't seem that bad, I could do this.

Practice was over and through the process, my dyed black hair was about to fall out of the messy bun I put in beforehand.

"Alright, nice job!"

Chris says after we finished a playthrough of Reincarnate.

"This is like the first official band I've ever played with and it was pretty fun you guys,"

I laugh while trying to catch my breath. During the last song, I had actually jumped around forgetting what they would think.

"You looked like you were having fun,"

Ricky responds.

"So Chris, What are you thinking replacement wise?"

Vinny asks him. He glances at me giving a wink knowing I was wanting to know. The whole practice I was truly trying my best.

Chris looks to Ryan and Ricky and they give him a weird nod thing of agreement. I was too hopeful at this point.

"For the tour definitely! We have two weeks until we leave so all of us can work out more practice times beforehand. Vinny send us her number and I can make a group chat."

Chris was also out of breath but I ignored it acknowledging his words.

"Sweet! I've got no job so I'm free literally anytime,"

I say while setting my bass down. When I look up Ryan gives me a confused look and asks,

"Why don't you have a job?"

Ricky and Chris are both interested as they listen in.

"I moved here a month ago, I think. Just really haven't found one for me."

"Well welcome to Motionless In White Liv,"

Chris grins and shakes my hand.

I could get used to this.

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