Malhotra's And Basu 's (Junior)
Mr. Varun Raman Malhotra - 28 year old ,
1st son of Raman and Ishita, and grandson of Manish and Radha,
Chief Executive officer of Malhotra Industries, hot , handsome,rude, arrogant, impulsive for Outsiders but opposite for his family , ideal grandson, loving son, carrying and supportive brother.Mr. Rhehansh Raman Malhotra - 28 years old,2nd Grandson of Manish and Radha , and son of Raman and Ishita, 10 minutes younger than Varun, charming, hot, handsome, fun loving opposite to his brother,same for world but extra carrying for his family, love her sisters and brothers slot.Cheif Operating Officer of Malhotra Industries.
Mr. Mayank Moloy Basu - 28 years old, 3rd grandson of Manish and Radha, Only Son of Moloy and Mohini, twin of Nivedita love his parents alot , love Malhotra family like anything, Chief executive officer of Basu Industries and Cheif Financial Officer of Malhotra Industries, love his cousins very much .