Chapter 1

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Caroline had lost everything and now she was alone. The school she built had shut down last week, her children were no longer with her Damon and Elena had lived happy human lives together but everything has to end sometime.

Today was her birthday, 217 and yet no one to celebrate it with, she sat alone in a house that didn't feel like home. All she felt was fear and uncertainty, no job, no family and no plans. She sat in her kitchen on the barstool picking at the cupcake she had gotten herself out of pity hoping it would make this day somewhat bearable, she was wrong. She sat and thought of the events that lead her to this day, alone with no one to share in her celebration.

Bonnie was never immortal and they all knew time with her was limited, Damon became human and lived a happy life with Elena. Her chest aches at the thought and finally her children as magical as they were, she knew they wouldn't be around forever but she finds comfort knowing they lived long happy lives and privileged that she got to be their mother.


Klaus inhaled deeply and gasped to regain all the breath he felt the world owed him, he looked down at his hands, what was happening? He was dead how is this possible?

He looked up seeing only a girl that couldn't have been much older than 16, blood was flowing from her nose as she gave him a smirk

"I have plans for you yet Niklaus" she spoke a strong New Orleans accent ringing in his ear
"Who are you?"
Klaus felt weak as he pushed himself up so he was standing facing this girl unsure of wether to thank her or kill her.
"That's not important, some very important people wanted you alive and it was my job to bring you back. What you do now is up to you although I expect they'll find you"
she said with a wink before strutting away from him leaving him standing in then woods alone.

Klaus didn't know what to do for once the all powerful hybrid was stumped. How long has it been? Where is Hope?

All these questions came rushing at him klaus didn't like not being in the loop. He knew where he wanted to go. Hope would be at school he just wanted to see her, know that she was ok and so off he went to find the nearest civilisation.


Caroline was standing inside of the building her kids had grown up in where many kids had grown up in, now it was all gone. The only things left were a few books scattered here and there and some personal things belonging to Caroline and her family she couldn't bare to get rid off and here she was ready to strip this building of everything that ever made it home.

Caroline grabbed a cardboard box and started placing all her personal belongings into it, she stopped upon discovering a baby photo of Josie and Lizzie, Caroline was holding Josie and looking ever so panicked. She chuckled as she remembered how new all of this had been to her, how scared she had been when she realised that, intentionally or not she had fallen in love with these little human beings. A single tear streamed down her cheek before she quickly swiped it away and continued packing.

Suddenly she hears the door to her school creaking open. Caroline wonders if it's possibly one of the parents here to pick up something a child may have left and so she walks downstairs in hopes to greet them.

Caroline stops dead in her tracks. her heart pounding like a machine gun, as she gazed at the man she never thought she'd see again.
"Klaus" Caroline almost whispers but it didn't take much before his head turned towards her and his face forms one of his tell tale smirks "hello, love" he says his eyes wandering over her as if she might disappear at any moment.
"How.. Klaus how are you alive? You died. Klaus tell me that wasn't one of your master plans! Klaus I morned for you! Tell me.." her rant was cut short by a warm hand on her arms as she felt hot tears run down her face, she hadn't even realised she'd been crying.

"Believe me Caroline I interned to stay dead but it looks like some witches had other ideas. What happened Caroline, where's Hope?" He was looking around obviously noting the empty building that once housed the daughter he held closest to his heart.

Caroline was lost for words as she looked into those eyes, she hadn't seen a familiar face in decades. She was shocked when he asked for hope she had died over 100 years ago.
"Klaus... you've been gone for a long time, she died klaus, I'm so sorry" Caroline whispered hoping to in some way comfort the man she saw in-front of her. Tears began quickly pooling in his eyes

"How did it... what happened to her Caroline?" Klaus questioned and she could tell he was on the brink of anger wondering if anyone had harmed his beautiful baby girl
"It was old age Klaus, she was born, she aged you knew this would happen eventually. She lived a good life klaus thanks to you and all you sacrificed for her" Caroline placed a gentle hand on his shoulder hoping that in some way it would help him. He took a deep breath she could tell he felt relief all he sacrificed as not been in vain.
"How long has it been?" He looks into her eyes and for the first time ever she can tell he's vulnerable. Around her he always had a calm, flirty exterior but that had broken.
Caroline looked at her watch it was 11:36 pm still her birthday she looked back into his eyes

"I'm 217 today" she told him, his eyes were glassy, he took a step back trying to regain his composure Caroline wondered. She closed the gap between them and took his face in her hands "Klaus look at me, you baby girl grew up into an amazing women I watched it happen. She got married, she had a son, klaus you had a grandchild he lived a happy normal life. All because of you" she tried to force him to look at her, he was now sitting on the edge of a desk once inhabited by Alaric, a pain shot through her before she remembered who she was here for.

Looking into his eyes he looked the way she's sure he saw her all those years ago, broken and damaged but light still hid in his eyes, he was the person she always knew, he was the person who was capable of loving in the only way he knew how, with all his heart and soul. The same person who learned forgiveness and pity and kindness all for her sake. Being with him right now, seeing him after all these years was like an adrenaline rush.

"What about Rebekah? Where is she?" Klaus asked finally meeting Caroline's gaze. Caroline tried to remember the last she had heard about Rebekah although it would have been nearly 50 years ago now that she and ran into her one day. She had gone to Paris for work and found Rebekah sitting in a small cafe with what almost looked like a smile on her face she looked at peace.

"The last time I saw her she was in France, she seemed at peace. Although rumours say she's moved back to New Orleans trying to rebuild your families legacy" Caroline stroked a lone tear that appeared on the hybrids cheek he caught her hand giving her a look but he didn't scare her, she persisted instead moving closer to him.

But he stood up forcing her to move away from him "What are you going to do now?" She asked him preying he wasn't going to leave she felt as though she hadn't spoken to anyone since Lizzie had died.

"I need to find Rebekah, she has to know I'm alive and I might need her help to find out what these witches have planned for me" he said turning to face her his hand lingering on the door ready to make his leave.

"Come with me Caroline, I promised you the world and that is a promise I intend to keep"

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