Chapter 2

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Caroline stood stunned for a moment, more surprised at herself that every bone in her body aches to accept his offer, all of her being just wanting to be close to him, to follow him wherever he went. She'd never felt so alone and for once all she wanted was to feel safe.

"Ok, I'll go" she said surprising her self and undoubtably klaus as his eyes widened slightly, she'd never accepted his offer before, he'd offered her the world and she'd turned him down. She walked to him ready to leave everything she'd ever known behind, for him of all people. As she got closer his hand made his way to the small of her back as he guided her out the door as if he was afraid she'd disappear at any moment.

He was still his old self but something had changed about him, he seemed uneasy Caroline could tell he hated not knowing what was happening to him, how he was here and most importantly how was he going to explain to Rebekah that he was alive. As they walked to his car she watched his eyes, they gave everything away. As much as he always tried to be the stone cold hybrid, she could always tell how he felt by his eyes. They were filled with emotion as much as he tried to hide it.

They were filled with pain and a strange amount of wonderment, maybe adrenaline she thought to herself.

Before she knew it she was sitting in a the passenger side of klaus Mikaelsons car, someone she thought was dead and she couldn't help herself "What was it like?" She asked watching his face for a reaction but none came "being dead I mean" she clarified, his eyes hardened and his hands tightened on the wheel she could tell whatever happened it hurt him.
"It was cold, empty like I was stuck in limbo and yet I was feeling everything" he spoke with a calmness to his voice that Caroline could tell was forced. She placed a hand on his arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She quickly moved her arm back beside her, a if she's been burned. She couldn't let herself do this, fall for him again.

It had been years, she'd been married, she'd been widowed. She's not the little baby vampire who fell for the bad boy, because he did terrible things and yet for some reason, he cared for her and part of her hoped he still did.

"Caroline, why did you agree to come with me?" By now they had been driving for a good few hours in comfortable silence. He glanced over at her but she refused to meet his eyes. She couldn't tell him how lonely she'd been, how everyone she'd ever loved had died. Except him. So she decided to play him at his own game. Distant and charming. So she smirked
"You promised me the world" she watched as his smile faltered for a moment. He knew Caroline was dodging the real question. He also knew that if it had been as long as she said it had, that Caroline's children, her friends, her family will have been long gone and he of all people could understand that pain. He chose to ignore it for now, bringing it up would only cause her more pain and he wanted to bring her nothing but happiness.

Caroline had barely noticed that they had pulled up to the Mikaelson manor until she heard the soothing noise of the engine cease.
"If she's home she'll know someone's here, should I go first? Try and prepare her?" Caroline asked watching as the big bad original hybrid sat frozen both hands stuck on the steering wheel, looking at the place hope had once lived. He simply nodded.

Caroline wasn't sure what she was meant to do she walked up to the door attempting to prepare herself for all possibilities. Before her hands could reach the bell, the door flew open revealing the dashing blonde, standing with her arms crossed over her body. Her long hair curled neatly flowing over her shoulders.
"What do you want Caroline?" Rebekah questions coldly obviously not interested in whatever Caroline had to say, but this was important.
"Rebekah I know you might not believe me, but klaus is back. He's sitting in the car right now, some witch brought him back apparently they need him for something" Caroline tried to get it out all in one breath before Rebekah could interrupt her, she needed to hear this.

No emotion was seen on Rebekah's face she looked utterly and completely disinterested.
Then suddenly Rebekah was walking towards the car with utter rage in her eyes
"I bloody knew it, none of my brother can stay dead can they?" She yelled Caroline attempted to follow the original while trying to keep enough space that wouldn't get her killed
"Klaus you wanker! Get your arse out that car and explain this to me" she yelled knowing that klaus could hear her.

He emerged from the car with that signature grin on his face, he smirked slightly seeing how angry Rebekah was. "What no welcome back from the dead party, little sister?" Klaus mocked but it appeared Rebekah was in no mood for joking. She pushed him up against the car, Caroline knew that klaus had let her, he was stronger that she was. "You can't just show up! After almost 200 years of being dead and expect me to act like nothing happened!" She screamed hitting klaus in the chest repeatedly and Caroline swore she saw a tear make its way down Rebekah's face.

"Now, now little sister, as I'm sure Caroline told you I hadn't intended on interrupting your peace but it seemed some witch who funnily enough spoke like she was from around here, had other plans" klaus was holding his hands up in surrender smiling at his baby sister and she had no doubt that he had missed her.


They sat around the Mikaelsons table as awkwardness filled the air, she was tempted to move closer to klaus, she wanted to be comforted by him, feel his strong arms around her and yet she held herself back. What would Stefan say? She thought to herself knowing he wouldn't approve of her being here right now. He would tell her she was being reckless, that klaus was dangerous, not to be trusted but she couldn't help the pull she felt towards him.

"Why are you here nik? Whatever the witches want from you, you can't run from it, if they brought you back I'm sure they can undo it" Rebekah spoke with and edge of hurt in her voice, Caroline felt as though she was intruding one a family affair, yet she couldn't bring herself to leave.
"I'm here because I wanted to spend some time with my baby sister, in my favourite city in the world, is that a crime Rebekah?" He leant over the table close to her as if he was trying to intimidate her but Rebekah held her ground, and even pulled a classic Mikaelson grin She moved round to stand next to him before rapping her arms around his neck.
"Welcome back nik, I almost missed you"
When they broke apart they were both grinning .
"Caroline I believe by this point I owe you a drink" klaus said turning to face her and offering his hand, he looked her up and down

"But first I think you might need a change of clothes for this place" he commented before letting out a small chuckle the sound made Caroline shiver as she playfully hit him on the arm. He caught her wrist as she pulled away and pulled her in close to him
"Oh come on love I was only playing" his grin said it all he could tell the effect he had on her. Her undead heart was racing and she knew he could hear it so she gave in
"Let's party" she said to both Rebekah and klaus her gaze moving between them and she could already tell this was going to be the greatest day of her life in 100 years


As you can tell I've differed from the plot a bit

I kept Rebekah an original vampire because I needed somebody to be alive otherwise it would genuinely just be Caroline and klaus left

Thankyou for reading xx

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